posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +16 / -2

The Commies know a Spiritual Awakening is happening which will cause them to lose control so they have wolves in sheep's clothing with tons of followers on Twitter and beyond to mislead the awakening public directly into the hands of Satanism.

This cult is the same one that stems from Babylon. They are trying to make their final move which is to try to convert humanity to their level of degeneracy. They come in the name of love to sucker in onlookers. They say some beautiful words for sure which are real but they are only hooks to hook you in. They often dress up as beautiful angels on Twitter. Then they start pushing their tarot cards, astronomy and before you know it they push pedophilia.

I can spot them from a mile away because I have already awoken a few years ago. The good news is that not many are falling for them but some are which is sad. Btw, this cult has been trying to draw in White people through Heavy Metal and other Rock and Roll type music. They are now trying to suck black People in through Hip Hop. Rock and Hip Hop were always used to push degeneracy. They want a degenerate People because we are easier to control in that state.

This is why I tell everyone to unplug from the TV asap. It is the Deep State hypnotism tool that's keeping you and your family hypnotized while they mislead you into the bowels of hell, misery and poverty. You can sense them from their energy. You don't need visual evidence. What do you feel when you watch most Hollywood movies? Like shit? Yes, that is because the makers of the movie hold such a shitty vibe that it shows up in their movies which are meant to corrupt the rest of us. The only way to counter that is to stay far away from it so turn off the TV. Don't think you are so strong that the energy won't ruin your own. It will. It's poison. Turn off the poison faucet. If you can, dump the whole TV since it has cameras in it connected to the NSA. Want to counter their moves? Then do it. Be smart. The entire future is at stake and it depends on us to steer the world into the right direction.

Also Antifa is a cult. They are recruiting lost children who are usually on meth into Antifa. Many of them were homeless. George Soros gives them food and shelter as long as they agree to be a part of his cult which pushes all kinds of evil beliefs onto them such as thinking that Communism is good. The kids are afraid to be homeless again so they just agree and get free food and shelter. They are forced into gay orgies and do all kinds of weird stuff for the sake of that food and shelter. George Soros has literally become their God. They are too afraid to trust in the real God who is always there for us if we choose that path.

Humanity is quickly waking up and these clowns want to divert us into another illusion. There is a reason they have lost 99% of all their power. This is their final gasp of survival. They hate Christianity because Satanism cannot coexist alongside Christianity. Most Whites are Christian so they hate Whites. They also hate Whites because Whites tasted freedom for many years in America and got used to that. Try to take that away from Whites and they will fight the Commies off. They hate Slav Whites on the Eastern Hemisphere for the same reason. They also hate Muslims who are willing to die to defend their freedoms. This is why they pushed Whites and Muslims into a fake war based on 9/11 which was done none other than Israel's Gov and the Bush Crime family. They simply turned their own "enemies" against each other.

Finally, I must say that the absolute best way to win over the world is to unite as a humanity. This is guaranteed victory which is why the cult pushed divide and conquer so much.

This eye in the triangle that is posted in this sub is the eye of Marduk who is an Annunaki Deep State agent belonging to the Royalty of their species. He fooled the Egyptians and others like the Greeks into worshiping him as a God. His only advantage is that he is from a more older civilization who have figured out much more so he used his advanced skills to trick humanity. He is the real life Wizard of Oz. The grand trickster. The ultimate clown. He is also a Luciferian which is why he is so evil.

Btw, the reason this cult has so many seemingly insane members is because the practice of evil causes insanity. The more people do it, the more insane and paranoid they become. They basically become paranoid psychos. All those Hollywood stars and most major politicians are part of this cult. They wear a friendly mask on TV but if you peer into their energy, you can see the wolf behind the mask.

Also a lot of these cult members like Anderson Cooper are under MK Ultra mind control. Their true self is drowining in the background and it seems to them that someone else is running their being. They are trained to develop multiple personality disorder as kids. Think of all these people as stage actors. We the People are the real audience members. They are pulling a show. We are the audience. The only issue is that the audience doesn't realize that the stage actors are fake. Some people still think Nancy Pelosi is a loving Politician who is looking out for them. This is their act. They are stage actors but in truth, they are gangsters behind the mask under MK Ultra mind control by a hidden group behind the scenes who are probably under mind control themselves. These upper groups are all compartmentalized until leading up to the top of the Deep State which is Marduk.

The Reptilians and Greys are similar to the Annunaki who have been using them as slaves. So Marduk, aka Ra, is playing lesser Annunaki who is playing the Reptilians, who are playing the Greys who are playing the Humans who are playing the general population. Anyone who calls them out is labeled a Conspiracy theorist because they want us to notice them. However, nowadays people don't give a shit because too many conspiracy theorists exist. When called a conspiracy theorist, ask them what a conspiracy theorist is to them. Does it mean a person who calls out Gov crimes? If so, what's the problem?

It may seem like we are against all odds but keep in mind that 99% of the population is the People so we greatly outnumber them. This makes them fear us and use divide and conquer techniques. Unity is truly the answer. Unity unleashes the power of God because God is Unity and excludes nobody. We unleash God upon this world when we unite. This is why the Deep State do anything to divide us. They don't want God to unleash on them. It would ruin their entire empire. Lucky for us the unity movement gained a lot of speed so eventually we will overwhelm them as we continue to grow. They are coming to terms with this reality as we speak.

This is the time in your life where you must face your fears, stand up and say NO when the Commies ask you to give up your Rights. This is the only way to freedom. The alternative is a hellish NWO. The People mostly realize this in their subconscious mind and this is why they are out fighting all over the world now. They know the alternative would be worst.