"Give (it) up to a higher power."
Please help some of our Christian brothers in here wake up and realize they're part of an authoritarian death cult. This should be the first conspiracy they learn about before moving on to advanced theory like vaccines and what shape the earth is.
If you can't figure out you're being manipulated and lied to in an effort to confiscate 10% + of your income, please take a moment to understand that God doesn't need you money and none of it goes to help those who truly need it.
Control of the narrative.
The same reason Christians may have destroyed what remained of the Library of Alexandria.
That's an excellent question that I doubt we will ever know the answer to.
Either way, they certainly didn't want people to discover it's contents.
True. It teaches them to obey authority and believe that some external force will always save them, even as they lay there dying. This is why jews created christianity to gain followers that would be theirs to control without actually ever joining their own club.
Also explains why the overlap for the qanon crowd, trusting the plan, is so huge. Conditioning.
Yep. They are zealots wanting to follow some religion where they mean something and have a higher power backing them and guaranteeing their victory.
You used to be religious but reality kept getting in the way?
I think you’re confusing a common enemy
Take your dumb dispensational ass back to consumeproduct, retard.
Christianity's legitimacy is the final redpill.
I'm assuming your participation here is unironic?
Some does and some types don't. We can't make a blanket assertion covering all.
But organized religion usually is a means of control over the population. It may not start tht way but it gets corrupted to that over time. The power of its leaders goes to their heads. Also, control freaks too often either start branches or rise to the top of one.
Choice represents the response to balance (need/want); not to the suggested choices by others (want vs not want). Therefore; the original bond under natural law represents offer (balance) response (choice); which the parasitic few inverted into choice (suggesting) choice (consenting); hence to bind free will anew to the free will of others by means of suggestion (-isms).
Free will of choice represents ones sole authority over self within balance (need/want); which consent to any suggested -ism (like authoritarianism) ignores.