Let’s say Covid was always just a flu but an excuse to give injections under pretense it’s to fight illness.
What if injections are designed to have the effect of lobotomy, make us indifferent.
Anyway, I just watched “The Giver (2014)” on Netflix and feels like foreshadowing.
I honestly don't know what the ultimate goal of vaccination is. I've heard a lot of different theories. What I do know is that I want nothing to do with it.
No, that's what the pervasive use of anti-depressants is for. They've already got most of the country too drugged out on one legal prescription or another to make them compliant for the COVID power grab.
This. My mom has been taking this garbage for years. I wasn’t surprised when she rolled up her sleeve for big pharma over and over again. (I mean I’m always surprised when people do crazy shit but yanno).
I see two major problems with the injections.
First --- they have selective, narrow spectrum immunity that breeds variants. Mutants form and the treatment becomes non-sterilizing.
Second --- the mRNA is tiny --- it goes everywhere in your body creating spike protein everywhere in your body --- the tissue containing the spike protein gets attacked.
Indirectly. The vax causes blood clotting and this can plug capillaries such as those leading to brain tissue. That can cause cognitive degradation as neuron cells die off. You can survive it, but your mentality is reduced. I believe it's part of the plan too. Dumber people are easier to rule over. Certainly our schools show that as do the media.
We are in a war by the elite to kill us off. Resist, fight back where you can.
I mean, the other day my own mother called me for my birthday but it wasn’t my birthday... she is triple jabbed and of course my first thought was....
Lobotomy Vax? That's ridiculous.
They're filled with graphene hydroxide razorblades and aluminum based lifeforms that self replicate under 5th generation cellphone towers (5G).
You say that as if it's a bad thing.
-- Tony 'The Blade' Fauci
You have been indifferent from the perpetual fear and restrictions already from the get go.
And the fact is clear that one more step and you will be normalizing weeks without food and having to graze grass in your backyard.