posted ago by alltheleavesarebrown ago by alltheleavesarebrown +10 / -2

Argentine molecular biologist Dr. David Nonis, who works on gene editing technologies in the California, gave a shocking interview on Argentina's private television Canal TLV1 about babies born to parents who were vaccinated before conception (not mothers who were vaccinated during pregnancy).

What the scientist with a PhD in neuroscience, a postgraduate degree in biological reproductive research, and a postgraduate degree in cell regeneration said was extremely concerning and alarming. I attach a video summary of several babies and another with the full interview. The interview, which is over 1 hour long, is unfortunately in Spanish, so maybe someone can translate it in full sometime, so I'll just summarize the most interesting points here:

He noted that all babies born to parents vaccinated against Sars Covid 19 BEFORE conception have some worrisome common characteristics. The characteristics of these babies, of different ethnicities, include: Similar facial structures Similar unusual eye color or sometimes almond-shaped eye shape Similar skull structure Significantly improved vision (they seem to be able to see clearly almost immediately after birth) Accelerated motor development (upright neck on day 1 after birth, very premature walking at 3 months) Selicitous, attentive gaze, but accompanied by some emotional disconnection

Dr. Nonis is very surprised by the homogeneity that occurs in all newborn cases. He explains that a mutagenic factor (physical or chemical) in the same population usually causes different changes or mutations with different and generally harmful effects. In general, mutations are random (different people are affected by different genes) and babies are usually born with deformities or are not viable and die. In these cases, all (or most) babies produce the same effect under the action of the same mutagenic agent (these could be mRNA vaccines), which could indicate that there has been a deliberate and intentional alteration of certain genes to be produced and that they show a particular altering effect.

Dr. Nonis speaks of the fact that we could be facing a new type of human here (not a new species or race), but a type of human with altered DNA structure. These "new humans" could not only show physical/motor changes, but also strong behavioral changes. At the moment, of course, we do not know what additional changes will occur in the newborns, since the data are based only on visual observations.

Dr. Nonis argues, for example, that we cannot know what the social behavior of these babies will be like when they are adults, whether they will be able to empathize like a "normal" person, or whether they will show behavioral traits such as increased propensity for violence. This acceleration in growth, development, and adaptation observed in these children is only seen in mammals, which move quickly on their feet after a few days. At one point in the interview, he says it is very striking how similar the development of these children also appears to be in certain species of animals where motor development is much faster than in humans.

This is particularly interesting, as it raises the possibility that the genetic profile of these children may have some bias toward species from the animal kingdom (this last sentence is a note not from Nonis). Finally, the scientist claims that he is working with the latest and most advanced gene editing technology, and that he and his colleagues cannot even imagine the knowledge and technology that would be required to achieve such results, i.e., such a precise level of editing and with such homogeneous effects. The science behind this research (here he speculates realistically) is a science that is not available to everyone and that he assumes is extremely pushed at non-"official" levels (dark research). Since the parents were vaccinated before the children were conceived, these physical and emotional changes point to an overwhelming, alarming suspicion:

The components of the vaccines would have caused changes at the genetic level in the germinal tracts of the parents' reproductive organs (ovaries and testes), with alteration of the genetic information of eggs and sperm. This type of genetic change is permanent; these children, if they survive, will pass it on to their offspring. Was a new species or a genetically mutated human generation created here deliberately or by accident? But other explosive questions arise from these observations: Does this acceleration of growth and development mean a shortened lifespan? A possible premature aging? How many years will these babies live? Will they be adults by age 10 (premature onset of puberty)? If all this was intended, why and for what exactly is a new species of genetically mutated humans needed?