posted ago by X-ta-C ago by X-ta-C +2 / -0

Anyone ever heard of a cure for AIDS – all AIDS – a cure for about 95% of cancer, a 100% cure for Epstein-Barr, hepatitis, lupus, and about a 50% cure for herpes? Supposedly this has been achieved and is documented in the paper called "Take Back Your Power" ( and also in the paper "Blood Electrification and Immune System Restoration with Microcurrents – A Proven, Startling, Rapid, Inexpensive and Safe Discovery for Positive, Controllable Remissions" I am unable to find the second paper though as this seems to have been heavily suppressed.

"In 1990, (the doctors who discovered this) put a couple of small platinum wires into a Petrie dish that contained highly infected human blood, and the infection there was a very, very strong dose of HIV - the cause of AIDS. They found that when they had electrified this blood, the HIV could no longer attach to any receptor sites in the blood. That means that the healthy cells could not be infected by the HIV. The only mention of this incredible discovery was in Science News March 30th 1991, page 207, ‘Shocking Treatment Proposed for AIDS’ and it tells about how these two doctors had given a paper on this process saying, ‘the experiments described on March 14th at Washington DC at the first International Symposium on Combination Therapies, showed that the shocked viruses lost the ability to make an enzyme crucial for their reproduction and could no longer cause the white cells to clump together – the true key signs of viral infection."