They are certainly not almighty, though, and many things that bind your accounts to your real identity were added to social networks' code bases as an afterthought (i.e 2FA).
Rob Braxman makes a distinction between "surveillance capitalism" and "being enemy of the state". You can fight the former quite successfully by exercising some good privacy judgement (and it definitely goes far beyond cookies and not using big tech), but for the latter, you should probably stay away from all tech.
They are certainly not almighty, though, and many things that bind your accounts to your real identity were added to social networks' code bases as an afterthought (i.e 2FA).
Rob Braxman makes a distinction between "surveillance capitalism" and "being enemy of the state". You can fight the former quite successfully by exercising some good privacy judgement (and it definitely goes far beyond cookies and not using big tech), but for the latter, you should probably stay away from all tech.