If you want the government to interfere and tell faceblarg and twatter to stop banning and censoring, THAT would be closer to communism than whats happening here. And even then, it isnt communisn.
I agree, we should eliminate the lobbying industry altogether, have total transparency with political donations, and not let companies give a dime to politicians.
Do we need any more proof that these are Commie-dominated media?
It's unironically unfettered, uncapped, unchecked capitalism.
If you want the government to interfere and tell faceblarg and twatter to stop banning and censoring, THAT would be closer to communism than whats happening here. And even then, it isnt communisn.
You are a giant commie faggot.
Retarded takes like this are part of the reason why people have become repulsed by the American right. You're just another nail in the coffin.
Child molestation is part of the reason why people have become repulsed by the left
But he didn't grow up to shill for the slavery, child-molester party. You did.
lol faggot
I agree, we should eliminate the lobbying industry altogether, have total transparency with political donations, and not let companies give a dime to politicians.
This is how you lower IQ child molesters wind up joining the slavery party thinking it's for civil rights.
LoL that Jethro Bodine Institute of Sixth Grade Education from the 12th Guvurmunt Grade is showing why it was free.