posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +15 / -3

Here's what's happening atm.

  1. Most of the People around the world are beyond the point of being sick and tired. Some are asleep sheeple. Others are woke but more and more awaken daily. Many of the woke realize the only option left is to stand up because they will never accept a hellish Totalitarian worldwide regime. This is why millions are protesting all over the world.

  2. The Deep State really was depending on our compliance and they used threats to maintain fear and compliance. The fear of Totalitarianism is much worst than any other fear so people just don't care anymore. They continue to defy, defy, defy the rules regardless of the threats made by the Deep State. With so much defiance, the Deep State can no longer control it. Just as a small example, so many people smoke marijuana that the Deep State lost control on enforcing it. They cannot arrest millions and millions of people so they just let it slide. As long as people resist compliance, the Deep State loses. The more they comply, the more the Deep State wins and the more they want even more compliance. This is how we ended up with hundreds of thousands of laws. A famous person once said something like "The more laws a country has, the more corrupt it is." Laws are meant to act as mind control. The only real valid laws are Common Law (don't kill, murder, rape, or hurt others, ect..).

  3. At this point, the Scamdemic is almost dead. Even the shills aren't fighting it anymore. They know they have lost the battle and this has caused massive panic in the Deep State because not enough people got vaccinated (regardless of their claims). This means some people will suffer the effects while all the non-vaxxed will be free from it and people will notice the difference and continue to wake up.

  4. The Deep State has been rushing the NWO which should have taken much longer. 2030 was the earliest they were going to push it. They wanted to slowly destroy the Constitution and our Rights but had to rush since so many people woke up thanks to the internet. They thought they could mitigate the awakening if this ever happened but they failed to do so. They can't even shut off the internet permanently because it would harm their own control systems plus we would develop telepathy as part of our evolutionariy path. Online chat is tech assisted telepathy. It has primed our mind to awaken this hidden talent. If anyone wants to learn how it works, here are some tips: A. Not all thoughts are our own. They hover around our mind and we can resonate with them to invite them in. If we don't resonate, they pass on by. B. Most of the other people's thoughts are subtle. Our thoughts are louder. C. The loudest and clearest thoughts are the ones that hold the most truth.

  5. Human knowledge expands outwards as a circle. Eventually it hits a barrier and once knowledge expands out too much, the barrier breaks into a new level of knowledge with it's own barrier. We just expand out and out until one day humanity becomes all knowing (many ages from now). The problem is that the Deep State relied on our ignorance to rule for many years and cannot rule once this next barrier breaks because we won't be able to be manipulated anymore. This is why they flooded us with poisons like aluminum, fluoride, ect... to mess up our thinking but they are angry because they squeezed us so hard that it turned diamonds out of us. We still have to expand knowledge but this is moving very fast worldwide.

  6. The people continue to unite despite the deep state's attempts to divide us with stuff like critical race theory. Unity is power. When enough power builds up, the deep state turns into a little ant and has no effect on us.

  7. The Police will eventually abandon the Deep State and seek our help to pay their bills. I suggest donation drives. The Military would jump ship to. Remember, the Military is all normal people just like the Police. The Generals, however, are Deep State. They were born in Illuminati families. They must break rank from these high powers.

  8. Some people who are in deep fear may sell their souls to betray humanity to save themselves. They will suffer karmic consequences of doing this later on and will regret it. It is their choice to make though. "He who seeks to save himself will lose himself and he who is willing to lose himself for the sake of good will save himself."

  9. The People are finding out that the Deep State is working directly with Demons, aka fallen angels, who have been on Earth for 200,000 years since the Lucifer rebellion happened. These demons are considered aliens as well but they are nonPhysical. They lack energy and eat our misery for energy. Politicians create worldwide misery and lower the Earth's vibrations for them. In exchange, the Demons help them achieve power, fortune and fame. However, the world's vibe frequency is going so high that it's eating the Demons up and ruining their energy supply.

  10. The Deep State is run at the top by a few groups including the Demons, AI, Jesuits, Nazi Socialists and the Communists. These groups are in serious panic mode. Their own computer models show that they will lose no matter what they do. This panic has created much fear and they are already paranoid psychos. This is leading them to turning against their own. They are essentially killing each other. The latest mysterious disappearances are the Queen and the Pope. They are probably dead but they might be able to make them appear alive through any method including cloning. They will continue to kill each other like this.

  11. If the deep state gets desperate enough, they might launch worldwide catastrophes although they know this would be suicide due to karmic consequences. They also want to run Operation Blue Beam to make it look like an alien invasion is stopped by Jesus. This Jesus would be their own agent; (not the real Jesus). This can be altered along the way.

  12. Ripping off the Deep State's control will feel like ripping off duct tape from the skin. It must be done. It can be done even by 2022 if we play our cards right.

  13. Australia will probably be forced to stand up first since they are backed into a corner. Others are standing up too but I mean a total stand up to a point where they disown their own Government. This will motivate the rest of the world.

  14. One thing to remember is to never use violence but self defense is ok. They hope to get people to do stupid things so they can move more draconian laws to control the masses.

This is the gist of it. We should expect an exciting 2022. This might be the final showdown. The people are moving fast and the Deep State is trying to catch up and falling over their own 2 feet.