posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +12 / -1

It might sound weird, but the Pol Pot Genocide in 1975 is not a mere Communist Regime in action. It is one of the first psychological experiments on how they could use any premise to drive society into oblivion even as the instigators are outright dethroned, discredited and destroyed later and to prove that everything will go unopposed no matter the outcome.

I think if you read about all those "New Normal Restrictions" and compare it to the Khmer Rouge regime's policies, you will find LOTS of similarities.

  • Temples and Schools turned into warehouses and concentration camps > Sports centers and entertainment centers turned into inoculation centers
  • Required to wear black clothing and not show any emotions > Neverending mask mandates
  • Travel bans and food foraging bans > lockdowns
  • Sedition laws that ban the gathering of more than 2 people > Social Distancing Mandates
  • 3 days to evacuate from American bombers > 2 weeks to flatten the curve

Yes, and there's way more than that.

And you perfectly know what the consequences in Cambodia are.

It's exactly what I said here -- Oblivion.

Not people being jabbed and dying (at least not merely). Oblivion. The complete, engineered mass stasis of worldwide society and human civilization.

I've heard people who were all on fire with the Holocaust but did not even know about the Khmer Rouge. I've also heard people in America thinking the Khmer Rouge is none of their business, and rural Americans who believe that Covid World in 2020 is none of their business. (The latter I saw many here)

But no. You have no idea when it's everyone's turn to perish.

This is not a pharma scam, this is the final plan to push all of society into oblivion with full confidence that all absurdities will go entirely unopposed, even as millions starve to death and billions worldwide die and society is raped until it is empty spiritually and physically.

Cambodia was just the testing ground, the world is next.