posted ago by new_era ago by new_era +19 / -1

More specially, I mean new-comers to the idea that something nefarious is going on in the world.

It doesn't matter if you took the jab, or even a 3rd or 4th.

All that matters is you're awake now; that you are seeing for the first time.

We were all asleep once, and we are all waking up together. It doesn't matter what happened in your hypnotized state. Now that you see, you will never un-see, and we welcome you into the brotherhood of those who have awakened.

It may be frightening (at least it was for me), and feel like a crash landing. It''s okay that there are many unknowns. All that matters right now is that you remember that there are millions of us and that the truth is identified.

Maybe you are the only one in your family with these thoughts. Maybe you are ostracized at work for questioning the narrative. That's okay. We are all a big human family, waking up to what is looking more and more like an entirely fabricated society. There will be snuggle both internally and externally. We will continue to wake up together and I'm glad you are here.

Remember, the key here is to question everything. Everything. It's hard to question your own beliefs but is a necessary prerequisite to seeing reality as it really is.

Welcome, brother.