The palace was built as a "pleasure palace" for wealthy Rothschilds in the 19th century. Its gardens featured nude statues engaged in acts of lust and debauchery. It was also used as a hunting lodge for wealthy associates of the Rothschild family.
During WW2 when children were being evacuated from London during the blitz, the benevolent Rothschilds opened the doors to the palace and offered young children refuge from the bombs.... safely away from their parents oversight.
Seriously, you can't make this shit up.
The palace was built as a "pleasure palace" for wealthy Rothschilds in the 19th century. Its gardens featured nude statues engaged in acts of lust and debauchery. It was also used as a hunting lodge for wealthy associates of the Rothschild family.
During WW2 when children were being evacuated from London during the blitz, the benevolent Rothschilds opened the doors to the palace and offered young children refuge from the bombs.... safely away from their parents oversight.