This is unreal.
The only logical explanation I have is that humanity is LITERALLY mind controlled.
The Parasite Pill is the only rational explanation afaic.
We have butt worms that have neutralized the vast majority of the planet.
Any other theories? I'm open to pretty much anything.
We are surrounded by the walking dead.
What made some able to see and others not? That’s what I keep wondering. Many walked similar pathways in life, so what did those who slipped the blindfold have in common. As much as my ego would like to tell me it’s intelligence based, I know that is not it.
I know it sounds arrogant so I apologize, but I am of above average intelligence. However, I have friends who are considerably more intelligent than myself who are entirely on board with the narrative.
For me, it is that I had horribly abusive parents and a general mistrust of pharmaceuticals. I managed to break it off with my controlling parents about five years ago, and overcame all the lies and exaggerations and ‘concerns for my wellbeing’ that they were full of.
When the shot came out I wanted more information, so I read up and decided to wait a little bit. Then everything in Canada went apeshit and authoritarian so I instinctively started rebelling. And here I am, red pill in hand and no friends.
I am actually curious as to whether others escaped some abuse before this all went down. The tactics are exactly the same.
My thoughts exactly. Grew up under the rule of a step father who was an abusive manipulative master mind at that time in his life. Opened up my eyes. Now it's easy to see those same patterns when they arise in individuals, groups or institutions. Covid stank from day one, because of the insanely disproportionate response. I don't remember where I read it, and I'm paraphrasing, but it was said that one could often reasonably deduce a person's motivations by the outcome of their actions.
If the outcome of covid is a consolidation of power then the goal was likely a consolidation of power.
What do we do with cattle? Restrict their movements and deprive them of choice, placing them in fundamentally unhealthy environments and then vaccinating and medicating the fuck out of them so they can just barely stay abreast of fatal disease. We control every aspect of their lives, we tag them and track them, all to minimize cost and maximize output. Does that treatment sound familiar? It does to me.
All of these crazy measures and their affects are not natural by products of a natural response to a natural crisis. The manufactured crisis is the means to the prescribed ends.
For an abusive relationship test, my go-to was always ‘Are you allowed to say No?’
If you say no and somehow end up still doing the thing, you might be in an abusive relationship. You can’t take care of their garden while they are on vacation? You get bribed. You get a guilt trip. You get yelled at. Finally they get your 90 year old grandmother to commit to it so that you have to intervene. Eventually it is easier to give up. Your desires are actually not important.
The vaccine push has been almost identical. Honestly, I am even going to end up getting the jab so I can move my son to Texas, so I guess my breaking point has always been the same.
Actually, if you read about the Khmer Rouge you have a nice idea what they are planning. Compare between their death-inducing policies with the social distancing and travel bans. Same thing.