The article mentions how the laws are in place in new York and california
In 2016, California passed a law requiring large contractors working with a state agency to certify that they will not discriminate against Israel, and Andrew Cuomo, as governor of New York, signed an executive order that compels state entities to divest money and assets from a list of organizations regarded by the state as participating in the boycott. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York proposed national anti-boycott legislation.
In the United States, one such strategy took the form of anti-B.D.S. bills. Currently, more than 30 states have provisions on the books similar to Arkansas’s.
Listen up, you @#$@ing idiot. Both sides are financed and controlled by the Rothschilds. Left vs. right is a clown show. It's a distraction. It's about time you wise the @#$@ up.
Because the only politicians who have been vocally against Israel are democrats. Republicans LOVE Israel.
These laws are in nearly every state including new York and California
It's bipartisan
Your post is about Arkansas. Arkansas is republican. Republicans LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Israel.
The article mentions how the laws are in place in new York and california
Listen up, you @#$@ing idiot. Both sides are financed and controlled by the Rothschilds. Left vs. right is a clown show. It's a distraction. It's about time you wise the @#$@ up.
Israel is a Rothschild haven. Everyone knows about the Balfour declaration.
James Woolsey is on the board of Genie Energy, along with Jacob Rothschild.
Woolsey is also a key participant in the original 2001 Dark Winter script which is basically COVID-19.
He was also director of the CIA.
The CIA controls the media and public perception.
Does that connect enough dots for you?
It's in the sidebar -------> The Media Is The Virus.