Where do you live? I work very close to Philadelphia PA, I deal with many many black customers and 95% of them will turn on us when they don’t get their way. That is very common when working in sales and customer service but the blacks are the worst and they always say the same thing.(because they have low IQ) Their first insult is usually that I’m racist or discriminating against them because they are black, then it goes it’s because they smoke weed, then to I’m a stupid white boy. Im lucky I get to open carry at work because that is the only way I can smile the entire time and be polite no matter what. But honestly I kinda wish the left was right and there was widespread discrimination of blacks because unfortunately many deserve it. Now my experience is select to my area Philly is an absolute shithole filled with criminals and awful people, many whites included but there are very few blacks I encounter that truly want to befriend me or my coworkers. The ones that do we admire greatly and they even agree with us on everything I’ve said…
Where do you live? I work very close to Philadelphia PA, I deal with many many black customers and 95% of them will turn on us when they don’t get their way. That is very common when working in sales and customer service but the blacks are the worst and they always say the same thing.(because they have low IQ) Their first insult is usually that I’m racist or discriminating against them because they are black, then it goes it’s because they smoke weed, then to I’m a stupid white boy. Im lucky I get to open carry at work because that is the only way I can smile the entire time and be polite no matter what. But honestly I kinda wish the left was right and there was widespread discrimination of blacks because unfortunately many deserve it. Now my experience is select to my area Philly is an absolute shithole filled with criminals and awful people, many whites included but there are very few blacks I encounter that truly want to befriend me or my coworkers. The ones that do we admire greatly and they even agree with us on everything I’ve said…