I like to visit r/covidvaccinated to keep up with the crazy stuff happening to people after their jabs and to see the comments trying to normalize such reactions. I’ve been waiting to see a kids version of it to keep an eye on things and it looks like someone has finally created it. They’ve hidden it behind a pop up for anyone that doesn’t have a reddit account or the app, which is me. So if anyone feels froggy and like checking in from time to time.. covid kids
Also just to be clear, I don’t ever hope to see anything bad but I do want to know if/when shit inevitably starts hitting the fan.
I had to look up what “np” meant ha 😅 Not the most tech savvy, but the answer is yes! Now I know how to bi-pass Reddit’s bs pop ups trynna get me to sign in or download the app so thank you!
Happy to help, glad to know there's a bypass.