Welcome reader... Welcome to the parasite pill of reality.
We have for at least 100+ years (perhaps much much longer), not been fighting human against human. It has a nice sound to it... doesn't it? There are truly no psychopathic humans. There are truly no evil humans. There are truly no insane murderous humans... No... what you are seeing is protozoan parasite possession controlling the minds of others... bending their will.
You can even take it WAY further back potentially to Deuteronomy 20:16 when God told the Israelites... "However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes." Such a command seems so cruel. Yet why wipe out everything? It seems there may be a real reason, a real foe... and this foe if not confronted for what it is in 2021, we will have failed all of history and humanity... all of their successes and secret wars... against this parasitical foe. We will fail our species. Surely we do not want that?
Wouldn't you like to really understand.... The Sinking of the Titanic, The Spanish Flu, Prohibition aka the 18th amendment, World War I and World War II, 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Covid-19 pandemic, and many other events/social movements that seem out of place?... almost unbelievably you can ascribe every event and every evil to these mind altering parasites acting upon compromised hosts. Even down to Bill Gates wanting to block out the sun. (vitamin D... UV... anti parasite). https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/
I could not figure out all these disparate groups... and how it could all fit together... and one day it hit me. Mind altering parasites vs human kind. Nothing else explains it all.
The discovery of Chagas and Toxoplasmosis in 1908 and 1909, respectively kicked off a new era in our modern times...They brought us the Spanish Flu and Encephalitis Lethargica.https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/140/8/2246/3970828 Is it a coincidence that scientists think Encephalitis Lethargica Mirrors Covid-19? https://thepolyphony.org/2020/11/17/look-out-for-changes-in-behaviour-encephalitis-lethargica-and-covid-19/
And others think that Toxoplasmosis mirrors Covid-19? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8163588/ More importantly, they brought us decision makers that lost their marbles. Look up what people found worked best during the Spanish Flu... Quinine (an anti parasite - malaria is a single celled parasite). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0753332220313317
Research as I have the most common symptoms of the Spanish Flu... delirium, psychosis, schizophrenia..it was Flu only in it's official name.
Toxoplasmosis is proven to cause Psychosis. https://www.peertechzpublications.com/articles/GJZ-5-117.php#:~:text=As%20research%20has%20shown%2C%20Toxoplasmosis,a%20syndrome%20with%20many%20forms.
Why do they call it a Spanish Flu... when it caused psychosis and delirium... skyrocketing admissions to mental institutions? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7054463/
Is it causing Psychosis... or are proven mind altering parasites literally Psychosis? One's found just years before the "Spanish Flu" took off? We know that they break down synapses. I have felt Covid-19 destroy memories. Doesn't it make perfect sense that the more something tries to invade your mind...it must first destroy who you are? To replace you?
Let's define psychosis: " a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. " (Oxford Dictionary)
Psychosis means that your senses and ability to think are so impaired that you lose your connection with reality. Perhaps that is because something is replacing you?
Why is it that Toxoplasmosis increases your potential rate of suicide by 712%? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5810447/
Wouldn't it be incredible if suicide was caused by protozoan parasites as well? Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has 5 levels.. our most basic is to live. Why would a parasite increase our attempts to kill ourselves by over 700%? https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html Is this perhaps the byproduct of it trying to crack our psyche, to take us over?
Like installing one Operating System over another. Your emotions...fade... Your dreams...fade...Your imagination...fades...Your love...fades...Your sympathy and empathy for others....fades...Your pride...fades...Your concern for your own well being...fades...This is parasitical mental attack.
Covid Psychosis... I have spoken to this woman personally over the phone who lost her husband to Covid Psychosis. Her recollection:"My husband was no longer my husband... he always rubbed our adopted daughters head before leaving for work.. he never missed a day... after he was infected by Covid-19 and came home... the next morning he never rubbed her head before work and that is the day he took his own life." https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/morris-woman-believes-post-covid-psychosis-led-to-husbands-death/2455344/
What about schizophrenia? How quickly do we forget about Adrenochrome? Let's go back to 1950s... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/13152519/
Studies showed that Schizophrenic people's minds change and begin producing a lot of adrenochrome...We know that toxoplasmosis causes Schizophrenia. https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-020-02683-0
It may be why we have witnessed elites deadset on causing depersonalization in their adrenochrome subjects.. because that ups the production. It increases parasitic possession. And then think about that... the elites consume adrenochrome... which is some kind of byproduct of parasitic possession of a persons now schizophrenic induced brain... basically parasite brain juice.
Speaking of depersonalization and... core structure... synaptic memories... parents... etc.. if we have those things... they tend to make us harder to parasitically control. I know. I have felt it with Covid-19. And in fact.. Covid-19 is said to destroy synapses. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02599-5 The less we care, the less we fight back. The less of a barrier is between our mind and these things that want to OWN us. Going out of your way right now, to be more empathetic than you feel, to practice more dual perspective with others... even just putting a shopping cart back in my humble opinion puts a little more distance between you and these parasites fully taking over.
You see the elites urges to hurt children. Yet such an idea is so appalling to you and me? I would rather jump out of my own skin, than to hurt any other human being. Why is it that pedophiles reproduce by having victims? It seems they have this strange drive... doesn't it? They are driven by something that isn't them. Religion would refer to this as "innocence." Perhaps they are also innocent of any parasitical infection at this time.
You see we are being pushed into complete advocacy for debauchery, to mix fluids, to drink alcohol (suppress immunity), to eat immune dampening foods, immune dampening devices put it on our hands... to spread parasites. These are not entirely people that we admonish and look down on. These are the children of real royals, of real elites... but unfortunately many are host to a terrible mind altering disease without ever knowing it even happened. Covid-19 as well as has been proven to immunomodulate in the way that you don't show the symptoms your body is actually suffering from... we call that Asymptomatic. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.698169/full
Now Toxoplasmosis does the same thing.. a protozoan mind altering parasite. https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/67800 Coincidence?
What about the fact that Covid-19 and Toxoplasmosis both cause anosmia (loss of sense of smell) and ageusia (loss of sense of taste)?
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24413543/ (toxo)
What I am telling you is we were all born into a parasitical war that never ended. Like in the Matrix Morpheus says to Neo... You could feel something just isn't right. You've felt it all your life. This is what is behind that feeling.
There have been victories on both sides... and I am not sure where the "in the know" groups are on our side, but the reason the good guys haven't told us what is truly happening is because of the fact that most of us would lose our minds... at least before Covid-19. The truth is our species is in a death grip battle with parasites for supremacy and ultimately survival. The time is nigh and it is time for you to hear the truth. I am afraid many are gone.. and holding on by a sliver.
The masses must awaken.. or your worst nightmares will come true in the future. It is not that they want to torture us with the most depraved acts possible, it is that they do not think as humans, operate in a psychopathic channel as to what us empathic humans see, and will continue to push forward greater and greater efforts to increase parasitical spread..Kids are a target. Families.. because they create core structure... beliefs... hell even having a name. Being demoralized is again just another layer that they are working day and night to peel away. Less defense.
Ivermectin was chosen by a few to be pushed back in August 2021, not because it was suddenly more relevant. No... the vaccine mandates were beginning and this was the moment to perform some political Aikido, to flip the momentum on it's head.
You see... the reason why the pushback against ivermectin from them.. it is NOT for:
The ultimate reason is that.. we were born into a parasitical war, Covid-19 is the latest and greatest immunosuppressive and immunomodulating weapon put into place by quasi sentient parasites that have infested many decision makers... and a huge ivermectin push would not just undo Covid-19.... it would undo perhaps 10 years of efforts or even more. The more people know about ivermectin, the more the parasites are afraid. You see they have no real army. They have no real country. What they have is control of the mind... and over time, they have greatly weakened our bodies and enhanced their spread. If we face them like we would a wild animal or an intruder in our home, we win. That means take seriously "They Live," scenario. What is in front of your face isn't all there is to see. This is why we are dogpiled in so many layers of disinformation, fabrication, attack. In fact, even some of their hosts may become free... Ivermectin doesn't just kill parasites, it heals nervous system tissue potentially undoing some of the synapse destruction and brain damage these parasite wreak on us as well.
Remember NPCs? Severe parasitical infection by protozoans.
Psychopathy? Severe parasitical infection by protozoans.
Schizophrenia? Severe parasitical infection by protozoans.
Cancer? Severe parasitical infection by protozoans.
There are other conditions I will leave to the imagination that anti-parasiticals also cure, so as to not delve down deeper into controversy.
Our reality is a lie. Our environment has been craftily shifted over the years to make us more parasitically vulnerable.
So those that care about you... we came together and chose Ivermectin at this moment. Ivermectin has won nobel prizes, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2002 shows Ivermectin with 0 toxicity at up to 120mg, which is 10 times the highest dose ever given by the FDA. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12362927/ Studies show it is a peripheral nervous system regenerator. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.8b01451 That it kills 18 types of cancerous tumors. The list of GOOD is INCREDIBLE. Now... What could they do?
No not that nobel prize non toxic life regenerating substance... that's a horse dewormer! Yeah that's it! Let's raid subs, put out false news articles... oh wait they saw through it...
No you can't have it. Why not? Because... it will poison you! (Makes up fake events)
No you can't have it... Why not? Because we have our own version now! (Most likely does nothing to parasites)
In this current day, we have a chance. We have a shot, haha. Ivermectin will keep setting people free... not just from Covid but from parasitical attacks precovid.
Many other parasitic weapons..
Andrographis aka green chiretta aka "King of All Bitters,"
Cat's claw aka Uncaria Tomentosa,
Artemisinin, (President of Madagascar made an organic drink with this in it.. remember they tried to assassinate him)
Acetyl l carnitine,
sunlight / Vitamin D,
Diatomaceous Earth,
Bentonite Clay,
Grapefruit (especially when used as a chaser with other anti parasiticals - see quinine)
Raw Garlic,
Oil of Oregano,
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15598889/ (Nitric Oxide kills most parasites)
(Beets very high in nitric oxide)
Clear your mind, open your mind, welcome to real... gross... sobering... difficult to swallow... reality..
EXTERNAL PARASITIC ATTACK: When you hear people say NO TO IVERMECTIN. When you see people send death threats about Ivermectin use... When they attack without proof or making any sense... You are not just watching a human mind. You are watching parasites act through infected hosts. The movies are all there..
the Thing, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084787/
the Faculty, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0133751/
the hundreds of zombie movies.. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0289043/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
The Invasion.. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427392/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
the Invasion of the body snatchers.. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077745/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
The Matrix think about the way we are batteries and everyone is asleep to reality...It is not a COMPUTER... we are hijacked.
It is an important concept... not yet researched... my own anecdotal findings suggest that if you reverse engineer how these protozoan parasites shut down our psyche... damage synaptic connections... all in an effort to lull us out of
There's a reason why the Egyptian Pharaohs use the same methods of enslavement on their population that we do.
Things like poking needles into the blood/brain barrier in order to introduce parasites to make them more docile are common practice.
The Rothschild family, Rockefeller Family, and the other elite bloodlines orchestrated 9/11, The Titanic, and more to consolidate world financial systems in preparation for a MARK OF THE BEAST system.
They have been working on this plan for a very long time now.
As in he's dumb for saying that? You're an asshole. I think you have the asshole parasite.
Is this the "extra empathy" you talk about having in part 2? Asking for a fren... hoping you're not already compromised...
Aside from your asshat reply here I actually agree and take many of the things in your list. I grow several types of Artemesia and would recommend anyone who can, does. Also, drink a good quality tonic water with quinine, nothing to lose there. As you state best with some fresh grapefruit too. DE was pretty hardcore I took it many many times over a few years but I became concerned it was messing my insides. Never tried ivermectin...
Wormwoods and anti-parasitic herbs were an undeniable feature of most past civilizations/cultures and yet now so much food is exported/imported yet apparently parasites not a concern according to most western doctors.
Great main post though, it mirrors much of my own observance and practice. Before you ridicule any religious/occult angle maybe consider there are many frameworks for understanding reality, and they all use man-made terminology so could easily be describing the same things.