Some months back, someone asked the board what was the most outlandish theory that they researched, and/or came to believe; answers varied, but included things like simulation theory and multiverse theories such. I enjoyed reading that thread.
I want to ask the reverse. Where you do think that the "official narrative" or "conventional wisdom" is correct?
I'll go first.
Jet fuel may burn hot not melt steel beams, but the fires did weaken them enough to lose their structural integrity.
Space is not fake and gay.
There were or they were working on building WMDs in Iraq. Other despot regimes such as Iran and NK clearly are. They provide leverage. They had centrifuges. And if not nuclear we know they had a history of developing and using chemical. The severity and timing were likely exaggerated for political convenience.
I think this, to an extent, and in the long, long lead up to the war, the materials got moved to Syria. Still a dumb war though.
We’re still getting involved in other people’s sandboxes. I’m not defending the decision to go to war just the intelligence.