This is the hidden cost of diversity. The gradual degradation of standards, many of which have lives depending on them.
Yesterday it was a bridge designed by Hispanic women collapsing. Today it’s a submarine imploding because a woman was hired for diversity reasons alone and was too lazy to do her job. Tomorrow it’ll be other critical infrastructure or social services.
It all adds up. And one day the great machine of society, so burdened by the grit, damage and wear from incompetent diversity hires, will come clanking to a halt.
It's how invaders behind the curtains destroy nations, by convincing them to be humanitarians to accept the third world until the nation is destroyed, claiming all races are equal (Communism/Marxism).
Even many Conservatives still believe the lies in the West, and it's why they are losing their homelands.
This is the hidden cost of diversity. The gradual degradation of standards, many of which have lives depending on them.
Yesterday it was a bridge designed by Hispanic women collapsing. Today it’s a submarine imploding because a woman was hired for diversity reasons alone and was too lazy to do her job. Tomorrow it’ll be other critical infrastructure or social services.
It all adds up. And one day the great machine of society, so burdened by the grit, damage and wear from incompetent diversity hires, will come clanking to a halt.
Robert Sepehr is good on this.
Does DNA influence IQ and behavior?
It's how invaders behind the curtains destroy nations, by convincing them to be humanitarians to accept the third world until the nation is destroyed, claiming all races are equal (Communism/Marxism).
Even many Conservatives still believe the lies in the West, and it's why they are losing their homelands.