If you look at the Azimuthal equidistant map (UN logo), centered around the North Pole, all distances to the centre point of that map is correct. So that is something you have to work into your big earth model, or rework all distances measurements.
Longitude and latitude most definitely work on "flat earth model". Get familiar with the topic before you pretend to know what youre talking about, comparing it to what you cannot verify your self.
"Optical illusion" is the baselevel damage control, specifically to deter the most brainwashed dummies from ever sniffing the true nature of things. Your world is heavily fabricated and moderated.
Youre either drunk or headed for a heart attack getting that worked up. Keep shilling for nasa with your top yahoo search sources. Stay brainwashed and clueless. 👋
Waste of energy arguing with idiots. There is a reason 100 is median IQ, there are a lot of retards floating around and this subject does seem to bring them together.
Water always finds its level
sigh...here we go again -_-
BuT YoU CaN SeE ShIPs Go OvEr MuH HoRiZoN!
Super Earth. Earth the size of Saturn, where we inhabit a small zone within the articel circle.
The Lost History Of The Flat Earth
If you look at the Azimuthal equidistant map (UN logo), centered around the North Pole, all distances to the centre point of that map is correct. So that is something you have to work into your big earth model, or rework all distances measurements.
Longitude and latitude most definitely work on "flat earth model". Get familiar with the topic before you pretend to know what youre talking about, comparing it to what you cannot verify your self.
"Optical illusion" is the baselevel damage control, specifically to deter the most brainwashed dummies from ever sniffing the true nature of things. Your world is heavily fabricated and moderated.
Youre either drunk or headed for a heart attack getting that worked up. Keep shilling for nasa with your top yahoo search sources. Stay brainwashed and clueless. 👋
Struck a sensitive note there, i see. Project more, baby boy. Lmao
Waste of energy arguing with idiots. There is a reason 100 is median IQ, there are a lot of retards floating around and this subject does seem to bring them together.
Wikipedia was not an unacceptable source when i was in college 15 years ago. Its only become more of a joke since then.