Most recent census demographics has my town at 72% white, the bulk of of the non-white are hispanics, yet every time I go anywhere it's less than half white, the other half are sha-ne-quas, qwans, and other assorted sweatpant and hoodie wearing useless eaters from Tegucigalpa or whatever other human latrine. I wonder if the demographics we get from officialdom, as bleak as they are, are even real to keep us in the dark about how bad things really are.
Comments (15)
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It’s important to remember that middle easterners, north africans, non-white Southern Europeans, and central asians are also considered white. So most likely, the number of actual white people in your town is probably 50%.
Happend here too
This is a type of post. Still, I would say it's sampling bias. Where are you going? The shopping mall, that might explain it.
I didn't realize there was a hard division in these wins.
I'm not in a sneaker and baseball cap shop, I'm in the grocery store. I don't see too many in the hardware store though, I guess they're not too keen on doing any work.
Hard division? Not really. More of a cultural thing though. But play "name the Jew" to much on and you're banned there, and there is plenty of talk about the white genocide (which isn't a conspiracy anymore) here, but not much complaining about black people (because their not the ones causing it, they are useful tools).
The core of my question here does elude to a conspiracy, the demographic numbers aren't real, I just use some hurtful language to get the idea across. So what?
Meh, it's okay. I was just commenting.
As for your core question, I generally trust the self-reported census numbers because people have an incentive these days to self-report that they are minority when they are not for the victimhood points and college admissions, etc. etc..
Take my bitch ass sister, who says in her social media that she is "middle eastern", which she's not in any way dad was Sicilian and she got some olive skin tone that lets her pass as arabic if she wants. This, of course, started when she took up belly dancing as a hobby.
This means that the number of white people is likely higher than what is reported, depending on how you define white I suppose (which varies).
I think it's sampling bias that you notice blacks more in certain communal areas you are going, and/or because you want to live in a white area, your brain notices black/hispanics more. My town is 20% black, so 1 in 5 I spot in any Walmart, for instance. If your city is like the national average of 13% black, then slightly more than 1 in 10 will be black.
Take this filth elsewhere. Plenty of. wins for "this is why I hate black people" blog posts.
Take your booster nigger.
It worked though.
Excuse me, miss? Your hair is on fire.
80 IQs going to 80 IQ