posted ago by Wellszens ago by Wellszens +4 / -12

If you're holding out any hope that you can escape then you're shamelessly lying to yourself. They are already culling preppers and the media is completely silent on it. In a warped, sick irony their isolation has made them easy targets. Your taxpayer money is being used to train armed black militias that will conduct the exterminations. They will comb the four corners of the country, from the highest mountain to the deepest cave.

They have sunk an entire century of the global economy's resources into turning the entire planet into an enormous slaughterhouse pen for whites. Every contingency has been planned for. Every deviation plotted and countered. They can predict exactly how and when you will fight back, if you even had the spine to.

If Waco has taught you anything, fighting back is not an option because any resistance, no matter how slight, will be utterly crushed and painted as unforgivable bigotry. They can spin any narrative they want. They have created the perfectly flawless inescapable genocide, because it isn't even allowed to be called genocide.

Just let it go. There's nothing stoic about denying it any longer. A coyote with its leg caught in a trap slowly bleeding out through its femoral artery cannot make the trap disappear with the force of its determination alone, nor would lashing out at the hunter in futile rage save its life