newbies like Flyertape clearly are too young & inexperienced to comprehend the MAGNITUDE of what is happening with "jabs" that have NOT been tasked with correlative data on pregnancies and MUTAGENIC and/or TERATAGENIC repercussions....God help us all as the "elitists" try to rule with an iron fist...while we the deplorables try to keep from getting sent to COVID-GULAGS....
Hey, newbie, how 'bout you fuck off.
newbies like Flyertape clearly are too young & inexperienced to comprehend the MAGNITUDE of what is happening with "jabs" that have NOT been tasked with correlative data on pregnancies and MUTAGENIC and/or TERATAGENIC repercussions....God help us all as the "elitists" try to rule with an iron fist...while we the deplorables try to keep from getting sent to COVID-GULAGS....