posted ago by Antimediabullshit ago by Antimediabullshit +11 / -1

They buy the same stupid media over and over again and if they do have some 'colorful words' about said media the users keep buying it over and over which is why companies like Nintendo the last few years keeps finding new ways to stoop in a very predictable way.
The movie industry,etc are all in together I feel and I don't know if it's related to that SUPER AI I posted or if it has more to do with our dumb and asinine generation or both?

I no longer take 'rant' videos seriously because I know the same uploader and his followers will buy the next bit piece of shit and make some other complaint. In fact I wonder if some or all of these 'rant' videos are paid trolls perhaps even by the same company to create a 'fake' divide but I don't know what creating a fake wall among fans would accomplish so perhaps I'm shitting here. I DO Know that something bizarre is sure going on!!!!