posted ago by Love_Over_Fear ago by Love_Over_Fear +21 / -5
  • Internet shutdown.
  • Food shortage.
  • Military control.
  • Cryptocurrency.
  • Chipping.
  • Transhumanism.

Unfortunately, this will happen no matter what. If you want to help out people in need, please be patient, kind, and respectful. Don't enforce your theory on them, just suggest it and see how they react. Present more evidence to convince them and they will eventually believe you, if you speak the truth.

Many of you share their fear of these outcomes... Why? This has been planned for thousands of years, just study history, politics, and economy to verify that. What you can do is help those around you.

  • In a time of isolation, we need to contact more people.
  • In a time of censorship, we should speak the loudest.
  • In a time of oppression, we must gather in a large group.
  • In a time of lies, we must strengthen the truth.
  • In a time of medical misinformation, we must present medical information.
  • In a time of lack of leadership, we must lead.

Anyone who is experiencing a hard time during the plandemic - it is normal. The times are just abnormal. You will see more censorship online which should prompt you to use your skills in a personal conversation face-to-face. Those who will be prompted - don't engage in a war. Remember that we lead our people to safety, not war!