If you're interested in an exhaustively detailed analysis of some major (but subtle) discrepancies in the 9/11 narrative, I highly recommend checking out THIS archived series of posts from the mostly-abandoned "Lets Roll" forums by a user named "loopDloop."
In some ways, this information is so mundane and the analysis so deep that it can verge on tedious. But I highly recommend sticking with it, as the image it reveals by the end casts irrefutable doubt on the "official" 9/11 narrative by illustrating how it was shaped and edited from the get-go.
In my opinion, this is the most compelling evidence of the 9/11 conspiracy.
We have evidence by the truckload.
We don't have a single court which will hear the case.
Not a single judge.
Thats how corrupt the system is. They value their position and lives and livelihood far more than justice.
Murder and treason by our 'government officials' and our Judges sit mute.
All cowards. All doomed.
God is Justice. The Good Lord has put all these men in positions of power and they all stand down.
Justice will find them. It is inescapable.
We will all die. Some will rejoice, others will wail.
Oh, of course. I'm not saying any of this information holds legal weight, that was obviously never a possibility from the start. I just think this is some of the most concrete and fascinating data one could cite vs. something sillier and more abstract like DEWs or whatever.