I found this out a while ago. Sorry, no real substance to this, just testing out to see how many people are awake.
Any real damning evidence or news posted there is immediately removed.
You have to have some dark information (not illegal or nasty) to have witnessed this. They don't warn, they don't leave a trace and everything is removed immediately indicating its not the mentally ill jannies but some kind of authority structure within or above the government or internet authorities doing it.
There was one image posted a few years back that set the internet on fire over this. If you know you know.
Check out reddit's r/RedditMinusMods
That's what you're looking for. It's an automated subreddit that archives what the front page (first 50 entries) would look like without moderators, along with a counter saying how many out of 50 were removed. It captures this data every 12 hours.
The sticky is a nice graph plotting the amount of fuckery over time.
nice share. todays thread has 50/50 removed. https://external-preview.redd.it/IvpTbz4tsK2O0j2G9sNdQ03_AlGJ28CamVMQ6cPfKOA.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f98f0e1747f2500e58378b4f81ac3debf94891d8