What can I say, what my Asperger's cost me in dating, it so richly make up for on Conspiracy forums, lol.
I've found that the names absolutely is important, It's clearly some form of hidden comms that the NPCs are totally oblivious to.
I used to think it was only about the mockery (“haha, we're illuminated freemasons, you guys are just dumb sheep") but now I'm leaning more towards some layers of coded comms get imbedded in the blatantly ridiculous names too.
So... the "Karen" "Croaked"?
Surprised more people aren't discussing this.
Her name is CLEARLY a message.
What can I say, what my Asperger's cost me in dating, it so richly make up for on Conspiracy forums, lol.
I've found that the names absolutely is important, It's clearly some form of hidden comms that the NPCs are totally oblivious to.
I used to think it was only about the mockery (“haha, we're illuminated freemasons, you guys are just dumb sheep") but now I'm leaning more towards some layers of coded comms get imbedded in the blatantly ridiculous names too.