It is DELIBERATE. Do not be fooled.
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Do not mistake this.
Their admission of vaccine failure is NOT a sign of your victory.
I repeat, it is DEFINTELY not.
Chances are this is the set-up to the single worst case scenario possible.
A Great Reset in the form of a "Final Solution" -- lockdowns for "1 month" that will eventually extend indefinitely to a decade ("0 cases in a month", apparently).
No amount of survival skills will save you from this the same moment the statement is made by either the CDC or the WHO. If you have any skills, GET THE FUCK OUT all the way to the wilderness, right in this week or two. (However, remember the unexpected can strike at any moment, go look at Afghanistan August 2021 or Covid World last March)
Otherwise, get ready to be locked down with heavily restrained food or water supplies or random quarantines. If you see Australia right now but with the camps working, smart meters installed, resistances left completely silent and official permission required to even get out of your house (and it takes 1 hour for them to respond at best), you get a good idea where we are all heading to.
This will cull 400 million (or 20-40% of any given country) all over the world and society will be eternally changed once it's overthrown for real. And it's the realistic count. Why I don't say 400 billion or more than that instead? Because you couldn't.
History is written by the victors. I don't believe we are one of them for now.
I believe you are correct with your theory regarding what the Cabal's obvious playbook is. I disagree with your final assessment of how this will playout though.
You are spot on in that the FDA would never willingly put this information out there unless it was to some benefit to the Cabal who clearly have been pulling their strings throughout this entire Communist takeover. They very likely will do as you predict and attempt a prolonged lockdown, but I do not think it will work.
I believe their original plan for this virus was to instigate the indefinite lockdown from the beginning. President Trump stopped the indefinite lockdowns from happening during his term through his Operation Warp Speed.
There are two different mindsets one can take when analyzing Operation Warp Speed. Either it is a fast track to the Great Reset, and a Communist global takeover, or it is a fast track to the Great Awakening, and the fall of the Cabal.
The lockdowns around the world have been failing for sometime, which leads me to believe that we are still in the Great Awakening timeline. I believe that humanity fundamentally has a choice. Do we Awaken, or do we Reset? This is very much a red pill, blue pill moment. If we stand by and do nothing while the Cabal commits genocide through vaccines and lockdowns, we will be acknowledging and accepting the Reset timeline. If enough of us stand up, say no and shine the beacon of truth upon the Cabal and their Communist cohorts, I believe humanity still has a chance to manifest the Awakening timeline.
We have a choice. Do we run, or do we stand?
How we respond to this threat will dictate the world in which our children, and grandchildren live. When we are an old, God willing, and our grandchildren are sitting in our laps, what story do we want to be able to tell them? The story about how we ran to the woods and hid from the Cabal? Or the one about how we stormed the castle, and spat in the face of Moloch and the Communist demons?
I know which story I want to tell.
Trump is false hope, and this is not just America's deal.
This is a lockstep operation, which means you will perish alongside the world if the "Reset Timeline", as you call it, manifests itself by full force.
(And no, we are DEFINITELY going towards a reset timeline. There is zero PHYSICAL signs of us winning. Exactly ZERO save for false hope and unwarranted optimism. The situation is resembling Russia 1917 so much that it's not funny. Zero signs also doesn't mean zero chances, mind you.)
If enough people believe that Trump is a false hope, and that the Reset Timeline will prevail; the he is, and it shall.
Communism depends upon illusion; upon deceit, trickery, coercion, and deception. You have discovered this yourself in your analysis of why the FDA would willingly deliver this information to the masses. It is the very real bending of reality and perception that gives Communism power over humanity.
It was Orwell who gave truth to words when he wrote in his 1984 novel of the dichotomies of freedom being slavery, war being peace, and ignorance being strength. Communism depends upon such juxtapositions in order to wear away at a man's soul until he submits to tyranny unquestioningly.
The way in which we fight this illusion is by regaining the power over our own beliefs. The Cabal is only winning because the masses have bought into the illusion that they have ultimate power over us. This illusion is easily broken, and this weakness is terrifying the Cabal. It is for this weakness that the Cabal seeks to commit genocide upon the masses.
If we were good little sheep, asleep in the paddock, then for what reason would the Cabal have to genocide us? We are far more awake and numerous than they wish for us to know. The Cabal needs to cull the herd in order to ensure their survival. Humans are valuable livestock in the eyes of the Cabal. For what other purpose would a farmer choose to kill his livestock than to eradicate a disease that threatens the survival of the farmer? The disease in this case is Liberty and Justice; the antithesis of Communism.
Signs of our victory are there for those who can break the illusion of the Cabal. These signs of victory will not be broadcast through the media propaganda apparatus. They are being censored everywhere. Look to the rally in D.C. on the 18th. The Feds outnumbered the protestors. This shows that people are awake enough to know better than to attend a False Flag event. This signifies that people are awake.
If you wish to seek out signs of victory, I would urge you to read through the archives of a contributor over on the Great Awakening win site named WinsAnon. Every day he posts news stories of victories. Many of these victories are indeed small, but an rockslide may begin with a shifting of sand.