posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777 +13 / -0

On the Health side:
Masks + Boosters + Lockdown -> ↓ Vit. D, ↓ Immune function
Combined with Failed reopenings, Increased testing at schools and employers -> ↑ "Cases", ↑ "Variants"

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On the Economic side:
20-50% unemployment for the UNMARKED.
Impact felt most at jobs are responsible for actual productivity and not worthless zoom mtgs.
Economic relief measures reduced for main street.
Production and shortages increase
Pressures on food system feed back negatively into the health equation and increase sickness.
Maybe a stock pullback or drop to drop pleb accts, who had to work to produce the fiat in the accts, while the banks play the game w/ fake money printed from the bank like a child playing monopoly.
Controllers utilize this to pressure compliance, and incite violence in order to take further actions against the non-compliant in subsequent phases.

Yes we know where the worst-case endgame could be, this is focused on the coming quarter ahead of fall into winter.
But bonus points for a good Mr. X copypasta (j/k no hate)