Alright, I’ll Start: If you own a company of 100 or more employees, splinter your company. Shell company with wholly owned subsidiaries. If it’s a family business owned by you, here’s the workaround, as an example:
Owner’s company now has 99 employees. Owner’s wife’s new company has 99 emlployees. Owner’s brother’s new company has 99 employees...
And so on.
There’s also the “independent contractor” schtick where you give your former employees 1099s and say they own themselves as a company and are contracting work to you. They pay more in income taxes because they are a business owner, and they pay both halves of the employment tax, but whatever.
Any CPA’s and accountants feel free to weigh in...
We will fight this fight using legal instruments, courts, and our brains... any other ideas?
I think this will force many to become independent contractors where possible. In California, the state is against contractors and it tries to put barriers to doing 1099s. I think we need or need to establish central information advisory sources, i.e websites or organizations, to advise people on what and how to do things.
For instance, there is a national homeschoolers organization for people who want to pull their kids out of public schools.
We need a resistance organization so they can never get the vax rate to 100% like the elite want for population removal.
At least small farmers can refuse, and the Amish.
Maybe we need to found a religion that forbids vaccinations, and make this a religious freedom issue, noting that an EO cannot discriminate. Do the Christian Scientists have anything on this kind of thing?
There's already Freedom Church in Charlotte north Carolina. Don't know if they have remote membership, might be worth looking into.