Theory: “Covid” is the name of a condition that contains protein malformations (ie spike proteins) that attack and cause deformation of our healthy proteins (ie ACE-2 receptors).
- Prion disorders such as mad cow disease can be infectious and spread via contact and esp fluid exchange
- Proteins can replicate via RNA transcription and could explain a separate mechanism for propagating than a viral vector.
- Parasites are known to be able to use proteins to cause RBCs to engage in RNA transcription.
- Covid has a documented effect on RBC cell deterioration
- Ivermectin inhibits RNA transcription
- Ivermectin inhibits protein cell entry
Good cross post and i agree with potential impacts. A question still exists though: if this is the case then how to achieve parity with existing pandemic? There’s something similar that must also explain the widespread ACE2 afflictions over last 18 mo
Those are fake. Once the vaccines started, people did start getting sick, but they got ahead of the news. Remember that the symptom of this fake virus was fainting randomly or getting sleepy and they kept adding and subtracting until they got the symptom profile that's like the disease their vaxxers are now carrying. One of the things that helped was that there were doctors and "doctors" all over the place telling people what the virus does but they said some similar things and some different things. Big Tech helped promote some of them and helped change the symptoms.