Other than this, I can't even find a single thread discussing this major removal.
It's truly incredible that the /r/conspiracy user base puts up with this extreme level of insanity and psychosis being actively curated and maintained by the reddit status quo and the current /r/con mod team.
The "mod log" has been down for a year, all stickies have stopped, there are no more featured documentaries, round tables, or AMAs. Was I singlehandedly keeping that place afloat? Seems so.
THANK GOD the admins removed me...it was the biggest favor they could've ever given me. I would not in good conscience be able to participate in such abject lunacy, so I'm beyond glad I got out when I did.
A tip bro: implement a bot proof account creation method.. they are gonna come soon here to irritate us... and guys like this here try to throw the victim card saying: "oh you banned me".. after saying bullshits and being a shill.. we all approve when you ban these motherfuckers.. site is yours, so... they better back to reddit where they are paid properly to fuck our future and THEIR future.. they can't see it, sad.