posted ago by PresidentOfTheApocal ago by PresidentOfTheApocal +7 / -2

Not sure what you're actually trying to say here.. but the people denying Ivermectin and trying to kill us are now trying to repivot into their old diatribe of convincing everyone Covid is nothing again to erase this path they made by overpushing their death vax by use of Covid fear which instead pushed us to ivermectin. Do not let them backpeddle. Here is reality, remember this:

  1. Covid is real. It is not a nice disease and like the vaccines we do not understand the long term health effects. Places like Japan and India wouldn't make it up.

  2. Everything that actually stops covid is being suppressed to make it worse and keep it going. Whether it is natural herbs they all take in China or something that is not poisonous, is anti cancer, won a Nobel prize, and proven to help heal wounds like Ivermectin, they won't allow anything to gain steam.

  3. The entire thing is being coopted and pushed disingenuously into one tiny nuanced direction, forced gene therapy larping as vaccines that make covid much worse with no long term testing and a board of CEOs straight out of 1984. One minute they pretend to be the right and advocate it is not dangerous to further push others and make those who might resist look dumb or become more unwell the next minute they push the fear to try to get more of the middle and right center on the gene therapy roster. All in all you must reason yourself and the truth will stand in apparent obviousness.

It has already started with ivermectin. This sudden influx of covid isn't real posts again should give second thoughts. Either they convince everyone again covid isn't real to spurn infection and deny overwhelming ivermectin momentum that would cause them to lose emergency use or they push the gene therapy out of covid fear and mandates while subverting ivermectin as a horse paste. They must lose on all fronts and we can hold them accountable for the largest genocidal campaign in world history.