I must confess, I was brainwashed by the left and the system as a child growing up in the Bay Area and later in Los Angeles. They poisoned me mentally, physically, and spiritually. I’ve since spent the past 7 years recovering from all the damage they did to my body, and soul. In my heart, I always knew something was wrong. The brutal reality is I was raised by communists, fascists, and authoritarians and I am not one of them; I believe in freedom. I was kept from my real Father and bloodline (who I’ve since found), but medical tyranny started long before Covid for me.
I have since awakened, gotten my finances in order (I’m out of debt), taken my physical health back to the best of my ability detoxing their poisons, I’m engaged, and trying for my first child. I’m now training and learning how to exercise my 2A rights, and learning how to use my bug out gear. Society is collapsing here and I need to go somewhere safe to raise a child and ride this out.
I am limited by a lack of physical space, insane inflation, mandates, supply chain issues, and surrounded by enemies. The dehumanization of those of us who have decided to remain pure is unlike anything I’ve witnessed in my lifetime before. I am seriously concerned if I stay I will be forced to defend myself physically sooner rather than later.
By remaining in California it is limiting my ability to prep for what is about to come and know I likely need to escape California and my window to do so is closing fast. My heart wants to stay and fight, but my brain knows it is a lost cause. My home is no longer where I grew up.
My Grandfather escaped tyranny, fled to America, became an American citizen, and was murdered by the nursing home my Uncle put him in. He thought he had escaped tyranny, but didn’t. I am now faced with the same challenge, and realize I too need to escape before it is too late. I will not sacrifice my ability to have children so I can drink in a bar or attend a sporting event. Those things do not matter to me.
My research has lead me to believe I need to basically head East of the Mississippi, of which I have very little experience. The drought on the West Coast is severe, and compounded with Covid and medical tyranny, the potential for extreme fires, and future rationing of clean water it just isn’t rational to stay here anymore.
My intuition is leading me to Tennessee, a state I’ve never even been to, and I do not know why. I’m this close to putting my stuff in a storage pod, getting in my Jeep, and driving East until I find a new home. I just need the courage to do it.
This isn’t so much a conspiracy, but a reality that I no longer feel safe in the state I was born and raised in because the people here no longer believe in freedom and it is just a matter of time before they knock on my door.
What states are going to be safer for what is coming?
My mom is an immigrant, but she came here legally. As a result of being legal she did not qualify for any assistance with prenatal care when she was pregnant with me. However, if she was an ILlegal imagrant she would have gotten free prenatal care and anything else she might need.