They have since gone quiet, perhaps in part due to a scandal involving one of the inventors of the device, which may or may not be true. When he died an obituary article about him contained a short interview with a representative of the community saying that they wished to be forgotten:
Their device resembles a wimshurst machine, which collects electrostatic electricy but must be cranked (by hand).
How a Wimshurst Machine Works (video)
Methernitha's Testatica appears to have a very similar set up, but more elaborate and advanced looking:
They claim that it is hand cranked originally to get it going, and then can run freely under precise circumstances:
They once invited 30 retired engineers to a demonstration:
They have since gone quiet, perhaps in part due to a scandal involving one of the inventors of the device, which may or may not be true. When he died an obituary article about him contained a short interview with a representative of the community saying that they wished to be forgotten:
And indeed their website is just a blank page: