At the beginning of the pandemic the UK stockpiled 2 years worth of this drug, at a time when all routine operations had been cancelled, and demand for this drug should have been greatly reduced. It's a sedative that is used for routine operations. It's also used for end of life care. Instead the use of this drug sky rocketed at a time when old people were mysteriously dropping like flies apparently from covid 19. Midazolam causes respiratory depression .... Does that seem like a drug you should give to someone with a respiratory illness?
At the beginning of the pandemic the UK stockpiled 2 years worth of this drug, at a time when all routine operations had been cancelled, and demand for this drug should have been greatly reduced. It's a sedative that is used for routine operations. It's also used for end of life care. Instead the use of this drug sky rocketed at a time when old people were mysteriously dropping like flies apparently from covid 19. Midazolam causes respiratory depression .... Does that seem like a drug you should give to someone with a respiratory illness?
We're going to have to hire Santa Claus to help with this giant naughty list.