posted ago by HUNDO ago by HUNDO +13 / -0

Wouldn't you expect in a time of panic we would turn to tried tested and true methods first before rolling out an experimental novel technology that could potentially do more harm than good. I would have expected the order of events would have been more along the lines of ..


-What do we have in our tool box that could safely slow or stop the bleeding?

-Doctors around the world share information of successes and failures

-Continue treating patients building off success and critiquing failures until safe protocols have been developed. Effectively eliminating the virus or easing the stress on the healthcare system while biding time to create a safe and effective solution.

-Remove any patents or monetary incentives surrounding the solution so it can be widely available, affordable and distributed. You know, for the good of humanity.

Instead we had..


-Mass produce ventilators which are known to be used as a last resort due to the permanent damage they may cause or even death. Seemed to be responsible for a large number of deaths.

-Prohibit the use of every safe and effective tool in the tool box, while also censoring medical professionals and scientists that are considering any solution other than an experimental mRNA shot that is not even available at this point.

-Rely completely on Big Pharma for the heavily monetized solution that was rushed through safety and efficacy trials. Do not relax any patents so other countries can produce in tandem to keep up with demand.

-Coerce the entire population of the world to take an experimental mRNA shot or else they will not get their rights, freedoms and liberties back. Make sure this all happens during phase 3 safety trials before FDA approval/rejection. (lol no freedoms returned because .. variants?)

-Keep moving goal posts. Lather, Rinse and Repeat.

It just seems to me that in order for multiple big pharma manufacturers to simultaneously produce a vaccine at record speeds while also utilizing a novel technology that has never been administered in human trials that had incredible issues in animal trials. Wouldn't they have already needed to have the ball in motion before the pandemic was declared (after the WHO let tons of international flights leave Wuhan while under quarantine). It seems like an immense risk from strictly a business perspective. Even with having no liability issues to worry about. It still could have been a huge flop because no one really understood/understands how Phase 3 trials will play out. Let alone Phase 4 long term safety. To make such a large investment of time and money I would think they would have needed other assurances from government and media. For all we know the shot is exponentially worse then the drips and drabs of reports on VAERS. Or not. Either way.. I am either losing my marbles or there is something fishy going on..

Major Red Flags include:

-WHO delayed response to declaring a pandemic.

-WHO and other organizations/governments not demanding transparency from China

-No one seemed or seems to care where or how the virus originated.

-Huge coordinated effort from gov and three letter organizations around the world to censor success stories of anti malarial medication working wonders against covid with 90%+ efficacy because they are generic and not profitable. And they would eliminate the need for a vaccine..

-Actually prohibiting the use of these incredibly successful drugs due to safety concerns (many of which have been used safely and widely for decades and are FDA approved).. whilst promoting a Russian roulette shot pending FDA approval.

-THE BIG ONE - none of these vaccines would be authorized under the EAU if there was a safe and effective drug currently available. (you know.. the ones they have been prohibiting the use of and censoring) To me it is clear that Big Pharma is allowing the pandemic to continue by supressing readily safe, effective and available drugs in order to continue their EUA since they know the shot is dangerous and will not get FDA approval or at least shouldn't.

-Another big one would be the fact that the fox is watching the hen house.. Is it not a bit of a conflict of interest that Faucci is leading the pandemic response (weird with his horrible track record..) at the same time funding the Wuhan lab bio weapons research through eco health alliance with his pal Daszak where the pandemic originated. In cartoonish fashion Peter Daszak is the only US citizen involved with investigating himself. guess what.. he found nothing.. about 3 hours into the investigation, into himself.. and fowch.

Anyway.. my point is.. it is highly unlikely that the good Samaritan Big Pharma companies (largest US political donors) didn't have a few assurances or at least foreknowledge of the coronavirus well in advance of the public in order to decide on risking the health of their company and potentially the entire world on an mRNA emerging technology never before used in humans.