Just because it's not posted about constantly doesn't mean people have forgotten. There just such a long list of misdeeds and perpetrators that keeps being added to, you can't give everything equal attention. There are for example many anti covid-narrative channels on telegram etc. who talk about fauci daily. So how do you measure the attention span here? Would you like repetitive posts about old information posted daily? Next thing people would be insulted for spamming old info... I guess you can't make everyone happy. We haven't forgotten, there just hasn't been any new developments.
Just because it's not posted about constantly doesn't mean people have forgotten. There just such a long list of misdeeds and perpetrators that keeps being added to, you can't give everything equal attention. There are for example many anti covid-narrative channels on telegram etc. who talk about fauci daily. So how do you measure the attention span here? Would you like repetitive posts about old information posted daily? Next thing people would be insulted for spamming old info... I guess you can't make everyone happy. We haven't forgotten, there just hasn't been any new developments.