posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +68 / -2

Now you might ask me:

Why am I parroting MSM view points with these links?

Of course I am not.

The most unfortunate, tragic truth is that 90% of people in the world are going to believe in this.

And fear not, if this were a real pandemic I will have zero fears about it, because it would be a realistically survivable crisis.

Unfortunately, it isn't and I fear a future where governments upkeep the Covidian false flag for more than a decade or 2 by spewing "Variants" of a completely non-existent, and if best, overblown virus.

The price for this is a lot higher to pay than a real pandemic.

And I didn't meant just economically or forced vaccines to deteriorate your health.

I repeat:

People being slowly locked down and isolated until they outright throw away their humanity and resort to feral instinct.

This means that they will no longer be able of sustaining themselves without cannibalism, murder, rape and torture, like lions and hyenas on a run. A shell of their former selves that cannot be called human at all.

And it's not science, all it takes is simple grooming techniques, like how Dr. Catastrophe would groom a mind controlled serial killer in a movie.

You see Danganronpa, Library of Ruina (South Korean indie game) or Resident Evil and this is exactly where we are heading to (aside a lot, less cool and a lot more crude).

Your reality has been slowly destroyed and taken away from you, and these words, as listed above, are now your reality.