posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +18 / -2

The Elite's latest monstrosity, Covid World, is not a pandemic or bio-warfare.

It is mass democide/Genocide.

Deaths had not happened yet, but mark my words.

  • Soviet Russia featured numerous people attempting to stop the Bolsheviks from causing mass genocide. They all failed because they believed in the wrong people and had no common goal bar killing the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks proceeded to use Red Terror and demolish them. In Covid World, the opposition is just as disorganized and even less effective against their executioners, being consisted of screaming banshees with no concrete action, led by Hopiates such as Trump.
  • Nazi Germany has the enabling act where government can use an emergency state to legalize a complete and utter dictatorship, persecution (largely said to be targeted against Jews but also against almost anyone they do not like, including Poles, Slaves, the mentally ill, Gays etc) and completely unconstitutional laws. In Covid World, all governments march in lockstep to gag and isolate human beings and force suicides on the mentally ill. The laws are also said to last for 4 years, but retained until Hitler steps down, implying that Hitler will indefinitely extend the Enabling act to give themselves absolute power. 2 Weeks to flatten the curve has now expanded into more than a year and will expand to more than a decade due to fake mutant viruses.
  • Maoist China's Great Leap Forward induces mass starvation (presumably deliberate) under non-scientific agricultural measures that destroys crops instead of growing them. Masks, Vaccines, Social Distancing and lockdowns are used to deal with a non-existent pandemic. There is no wonder that everything does not work when your threat does not exist.
  • Red Cambodia had an especially destructive message where "all modern life is over and Cambodian society must be reset into an agrarian utopia where the average life expectancy is 18 years old. I do not need to talk about the Great Reset, and through Social Distancing laws and mask mandates, one can be sure that all mass, in-person gatherings and unprohibited travel are nothing more than dreams of the past. Those who believe that they will get freedom through vaccines might as well as dream in the afterlife.
  • Rwanda ended up with a Machete massacre that killed 1 million in 3 months. Covid World will end up with groups of dehumanized feral humans literally killing and eating their own.
  • In all of these scenarios, wanton violence and cruelty were used to decimate the population, and the goal is blood sacrifices to Baal and mass depopulation. Covid World largely follows the same goals.

Sadly, none dare believe that this is a decade or longer genocide that will stop when we all say no. (And I meant 70% of all global populations) Nobody legitimately puts the elites in check. And we shall pay for the burdens...dearly.