posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +2 / -3

The Elite CANNOT enact their wet dream before they destroy America completely.

This is not a topic that even patriots or conspiracy theorists want to talk about and to the normies this would be insanity.

But listen.

If it happens, it will be so incredible that you WILL not even imagine it happening. Unfortunately, all the mechanisms had fell in place and it only takes a single trigger to destroy America like a falling house of cards.

The procedure is of the following.

  1. White Police on Black shooting false flag: The person does not need to die in the hands of police, but the footage only has to be cherry picked and doctored into resembling police brutality
  2. Rallies occur all over America hoping the end of Police Brutality/Fake Democracy etc only to be met with Sniper Rifles. These are actually Blackwater impersonating Policemen to pick off protesters
  3. Mass public rage occurs on a completely unprecedented scale, and Communist killing sprees and lootings begin with local Neo Nazis or Patriots defending their territories from rampaging Communists. Those who defend their property (Most likely by shooting Communists) will get killed right on the spot sooner or later by rampaging Antifa/BLM killers (Cancel Culture taken to the most logical extreme)
  4. Revolutionary cadres start entering Capitol Hill and the White House and the army declares mutinies against Biden due to being bribed by the CIA or FBI to step down -- Biden flees via helicopter and a patsy provisional ran by Antifa revolutionaries replaces the American Government
  5. The government collapses quickly as expected and within 6 months, it will collapse and degenerate into Neo Nazi, Patriot, Antifa and "Centrist" Warlord fractions
  6. The warlords basically went around killing anyone and everyone they don't like. If you are LGBT in Utah or Florida you are dead, same if you are patriotic in Portland or NYC. If you are rich like Bill Gates or Fauci just FUCKING RUN AWAY before this shit happens because you are going to DIE. There is no honor among Communists and Nazis.
  7. A new warlord arrives (A well sponsored Banker patsy) and destroys all of the warring fractions, "Uniting America" once again into an insane, genocidal dictatorship with heavy patriotic underlines. He denies Covid, restablishes the economy and sends people who were affiliated with the warlords, Chinese expats, anyone whom he thinks is Chinese, Russian, North Korean or Jewish (Doesn't matter if they are or not), Liberals, LGBT people, or Trumpers/Leftists into Fun camps. (For humiliating purposes, Churches, Mosques, opera houses or schools "espousing liberalism" will be changed into camps) The new has to be removed and replaced with the old.
  8. Warlord engages in false flags with Taiwan, Iraq and Crimea in an attempt to wage war with Russia and China, World War III ensues. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam and Belarus defeat new America and all of its allies. UN Blue Helmets step into America and declaring that it is now occupied by the UN, where Google, Windows or Apple/Samsung related accounts will be used to track down and purge anyone the UN deems as "unfit for globalism". If they don't like you, they will send you to a FEMA Camp where you will be gassed or starved to death.
  9. Welcome to the New World Order.

If they do not demolish America from the top down, they cannot implement everything they want to.

And I meant patented internet (So if you want to upload any videos you have to pay the UN), Civilian Conduct Patrols, neverending New Normal Pandemic measures, infusion with machines, cannibal killers, microchips, among other things that will lead to your demise.

Do not encourage this, but I fear the mechanisms are all in place. You have only half a year or a bit more left to disassemble them before death strikes.