They suggest; you consent. This way; what their free will suggests, will be consented to by the ignorance of your free will, which is what allows the few to control the many...ignorance.
What does choice of ignorance cause? Corruption of comprehension of perceived (aka knowledge)... SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.]
One cannot "know" if one consents to the science offered by other ones; because comprehension is build by adhering to perception, and there's only one source to perceive from...ALL reality (flow), not the suggestions from the ONEs within (form).
It's a call for action. For activism. For terrorism
Flow represents the "call for action" for the form, and consenting to believe suggested -isms (activism; terrorism) corrupts ones comprehension of that.
By following leads it really means all possibilities within reason.
Reason represents the conflict between truth and false, and we are causing this conflict by consenting to believe a suggested truth/false. Those who made the suggestion therewith caused division (reason) by means of suggestion, and since we consented by free will of choice to their suggestion made by their free will of choice; they also gained the power to define what we believe.
They not only suggest -isms (beliefs) to get us unto the conflict of reason; they also maintain those conflicts by suggesting contradictions to both sides (believer/non-believer and truth/false). This is called talmudic reasoning.
Meanwhile the so called talmud teaches to use implication (if/then) over reason (truth vs false). Why? Because implication adheres to us being form within flow aka life (form) within the movement from inception till death (flow).
They trick played on mankind is the exploitation of offer/consent under natural law (as defined by flow). Flow offers all to form; yet form has the choice to either adhere (need) or ignore (want); which defines self sustenance of form with flow. It is our choice of ignorance that inspired others within form to exploit it by suggesting us anything in exchange for consent to stay ignorant.
Each of us represents ONE potential within ALL potentiality, and believing the suggestions of other ONEs prevents us from comprehending the "possibilities". Also; as form we are "following" along flow.
That are credible
CREDIT, noun [Latin; Creed.] - "belief; faith" aka ONEs consent to another ONEs suggestion aka ONEs (form) choice to ignore ALL (flow).
a range of possibilities on motives
MO'TIVE, adjective - "causing motion; having power to move or tending to move". Form can move; because it's within the moment(um) of motion (flow).
Perhaps you could consider being led on...
Suggestion represents weaponized temptation to gain our consent towards ignorance. We are not only "led on"...our comprehension about the perceived flow that moves us on; is being targeted by deliberate suggestions.
following any trail of evidence
ALL information is predefined through flow (potentiality); the form within perceives it as inspiration (our senses perceive movement), and the comprehension we build represents ONEs potential.
EV'IDENCE, noun [Latin evidentia, from video, to see.] - "that which elucidates and enables the mind to see truth". That evidence is suggested by others to keep us within the conflict of reason (truth vs false). To maintain ignorance; both believers and non-believers of suggestion, need be constantly fed with contradictions (truth/false) to keep them busy with each other (reason).
Furthermore; the parasites disclose (sleight of hand) everything they do to prevent our comprehension to grow through adaptation to inspiration; when finding it out for ourselves. They're buffering comprehension by corrupting inspiration through suggesting us what we seek (want over need). In their terms...they're offering the red-pill (and all the other pills) to keep us digging in their suggested rabbit-hole.
Reality is a search space.
ALL information is already in existence; it is each ONE within that lacks comprehension about what it means, and we are not here to seek information; we need to adapt to inspiration for the sustenance of self.
A hunting ground.
Reality is not goal oriented...flow defines direction (goal) for form aka from inception towards death. Form represents a response to flow; which is why reality is a responsibility of sustaining ONEself within ALL.
A call to arms to be more precise.
There's no conflict within flow; it's the choice of ignorance within form that causes conflict within form. The parasites use suggestion to divide us into conflicts (reason), and the majority of us believes that conflict is the answer to dissolve conflict. Both sides (us vs them aka reason) aim at chaos to establish order aka the allegory of the phoenix out of the ashes aka order out of chaos.
This is an inversion suggested to us...flow defines the ongoing natural order; form defines the temporary chaos within. We represents chaos out of order; which is why self sustenance of form within flow demands struggle (survival).
the ability to start a pandemic
A suggestion aimed at mass population control through odds of ignorance.
they're armed with superweapons. Like a rogue nuclear state.
NU'CLEUS, noun [Latin a nut.] It's "nuts" to still consent to the atomic bomb narrative...
They're a superpower.
Flow represents the power in charge (potentiality); form represents the responding power (potential). The ignorance thereof is what gives the few within form the power over the ignorance of the many towards flow.
the name is random
RAN'DOM, noun - "motion or course without direction". Motion represents the movement from beginning towards end. Names (brands; idols) represents ignorance of flow by trying to affix form.
PROPH'ET, noun [Latin propheta.] - "a predicter". Comprehending flow allows form to "predict" the consequences of actions set into flow. If the few suggest the many to ignore flow; the few gain higher odds at predicting the consequences of the actions of those who adhere to ignorance...which are always self destructive.
They suggest; you consent. This way; what their free will suggests, will be consented to by the ignorance of your free will, which is what allows the few to control the many...ignorance.
What does choice of ignorance cause? Corruption of comprehension of perceived (aka knowledge)... SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.]
One cannot "know" if one consents to the science offered by other ones; because comprehension is build by adhering to perception, and there's only one source to perceive from...ALL reality (flow), not the suggestions from the ONEs within (form).
Flow represents the "call for action" for the form, and consenting to believe suggested -isms (activism; terrorism) corrupts ones comprehension of that.
Scientific method in action?
Reason represents the conflict between truth and false, and we are causing this conflict by consenting to believe a suggested truth/false. Those who made the suggestion therewith caused division (reason) by means of suggestion, and since we consented by free will of choice to their suggestion made by their free will of choice; they also gained the power to define what we believe.
They not only suggest -isms (beliefs) to get us unto the conflict of reason; they also maintain those conflicts by suggesting contradictions to both sides (believer/non-believer and truth/false). This is called talmudic reasoning.
Meanwhile the so called talmud teaches to use implication (if/then) over reason (truth vs false). Why? Because implication adheres to us being form within flow aka life (form) within the movement from inception till death (flow).
They trick played on mankind is the exploitation of offer/consent under natural law (as defined by flow). Flow offers all to form; yet form has the choice to either adhere (need) or ignore (want); which defines self sustenance of form with flow. It is our choice of ignorance that inspired others within form to exploit it by suggesting us anything in exchange for consent to stay ignorant.
Each of us represents ONE potential within ALL potentiality, and believing the suggestions of other ONEs prevents us from comprehending the "possibilities". Also; as form we are "following" along flow.
CREDIT, noun [Latin; Creed.] - "belief; faith" aka ONEs consent to another ONEs suggestion aka ONEs (form) choice to ignore ALL (flow).
MO'TIVE, adjective - "causing motion; having power to move or tending to move". Form can move; because it's within the moment(um) of motion (flow).
Suggestion represents weaponized temptation to gain our consent towards ignorance. We are not only "led on"...our comprehension about the perceived flow that moves us on; is being targeted by deliberate suggestions.
ALL information is predefined through flow (potentiality); the form within perceives it as inspiration (our senses perceive movement), and the comprehension we build represents ONEs potential.
EV'IDENCE, noun [Latin evidentia, from video, to see.] - "that which elucidates and enables the mind to see truth". That evidence is suggested by others to keep us within the conflict of reason (truth vs false). To maintain ignorance; both believers and non-believers of suggestion, need be constantly fed with contradictions (truth/false) to keep them busy with each other (reason).
Furthermore; the parasites disclose (sleight of hand) everything they do to prevent our comprehension to grow through adaptation to inspiration; when finding it out for ourselves. They're buffering comprehension by corrupting inspiration through suggesting us what we seek (want over need). In their terms...they're offering the red-pill (and all the other pills) to keep us digging in their suggested rabbit-hole.
ALL information is already in existence; it is each ONE within that lacks comprehension about what it means, and we are not here to seek information; we need to adapt to inspiration for the sustenance of self.
Reality is not goal oriented...flow defines direction (goal) for form aka from inception towards death. Form represents a response to flow; which is why reality is a responsibility of sustaining ONEself within ALL.
There's no conflict within flow; it's the choice of ignorance within form that causes conflict within form. The parasites use suggestion to divide us into conflicts (reason), and the majority of us believes that conflict is the answer to dissolve conflict. Both sides (us vs them aka reason) aim at chaos to establish order aka the allegory of the phoenix out of the ashes aka order out of chaos.
This is an inversion suggested to us...flow defines the ongoing natural order; form defines the temporary chaos within. We represents chaos out of order; which is why self sustenance of form within flow demands struggle (survival).
A suggestion aimed at mass population control through odds of ignorance.
NU'CLEUS, noun [Latin a nut.] It's "nuts" to still consent to the atomic bomb narrative...
Flow represents the power in charge (potentiality); form represents the responding power (potential). The ignorance thereof is what gives the few within form the power over the ignorance of the many towards flow.
RAN'DOM, noun - "motion or course without direction". Motion represents the movement from beginning towards end. Names (brands; idols) represents ignorance of flow by trying to affix form.
PROPH'ET, noun [Latin propheta.] - "a predicter". Comprehending flow allows form to "predict" the consequences of actions set into flow. If the few suggest the many to ignore flow; the few gain higher odds at predicting the consequences of the actions of those who adhere to ignorance...which are always self destructive.
I wish the guy were a little less nuts, because he's on the verge of being insightful sometimes.