posted ago by turtlebam ago by turtlebam +6 / -0

"You are perfect; you are mechanized; the road to hundred per-cent happiness is open! Hasten then all of you, young and old, hasten to undergo the great Operation! Hasten to the auditoriums where the great Operation is being performed! Long live the Great Operation! Long live the United State! Long live the Well-Doer.

I, and all others who did not have a certificate showing that we had been operated on, all of us were taken to the nearest auditorium. There they tied us to the tables and performed the great operation."

The book was a precursor to 1984 (there has been some connections I believe between Orwell and Zamyatin. Dystopia etc..

But here is what's interesting. At the end of the book they have an "operation" to completely end all thoughts of revolt. The way they go about it feels a lot like the EGT.

First, go voluntarily etc.. then they round all who didn't go and force them, something about reading that book made the current EGT propaganda feel very familiar