As always, whenever time passes the picture is clearer. The jewish gangs occupying Palestine have yet achieved a multi faceted victory without anyone noticing. They are the most humble people! They pull the convid hoax on everyone, they pull September 11th, they destroy western civilization yet they remain humble and do not brag about their role.
Gaza's war has subsided (for now, they will flare it up whenever they need).** The goal was to distract from the actions they are taking for completing their control over Jerusalem which is set to be the capital city for enslaving humanity.**
This "war" between Hamas and the jewish gangs was supposed to have been started by Hamas to protest what the jewish gangs were doing in Jerusalem. Hamas now claims "Victory" and Al Sisi of Egypt is now involved in rebuilding Gaza. With both Hamas leaders and Al Sisi's contractors making lots of money.
On the ground, nothing have changed in Jerusalem, if Hamas really did this for Jerusalem; they should have continued their seemingly "inexhaustible" supply of rockets. (Gaza is 100% surrounded, not a needle can enter without jewish permission, yet they apparently have Kornet missiles!)
Little is reported on how more and more Palestinian homes are currently being stolen by jewish gangs or how Palestinians in Jerusalem and other parts are being arrested in mass in addition to increased violence against Palestinians.
The Gaza war was a distraction to take away from what's currently happening in Palestine. And to speed up the plans of integrating Gaza with Egypt in a future "peace" plan, while building credibility for a leader in Gaza who is 100% kosher.
Hamas leader (Al Sinwar) unsurprisingly spent a lot of time in "solitary" confinement. Most likely being trained by the Shabak with other hamas members who propped him up in power. Any genuine Hamas member who had influence and was not under jewish gangs control was assassinated. It's a technique they always use to take control of any government or organization.
Jew world order and its capital in Jerusalem is progressing steadily.