posted ago by FortheGenerations ago by FortheGenerations +20 / -6


-I don't see anything obvious that determines that this is indeed 1863. -Nothing seems much different from 1863 photos to 1900 photos (not from the book, but my own research.) -The book starts out with a lot of pictures of men, not even in uniform, fixing bridges, railroad bridges, building pontoons to cross rivers, tents, ect. -There are no photos of actual battles. -There are some photos of troops, only Union troops, never what could amount to thousands of troops. -There are cannons but not many pictures with them. -There are dead bodies, many pictures of dead men, most with out any guns, but there are a few where they have their guns. -Pictures of dead animals, some are mysterious, most are dead horses. -There are a lot of barren landscapes and some ruins. There are also a lot of intact towns. The pictures of the towns, houses and civilians are interesting in their own right. What was going on? -There are pictures of the American Flag, but NO pictures of the Confederate Flag. -There is only 1 picture of Confederate troops, very dark shadowy figures, no facial distinction at all, where as all the photos of the Union troops are very clear.