B: All right, I'll say: question.
Q: I... I...
B: All right. All right. Yes?
Q: On alternate universes- - if I want to go my own way, I keep thinking that other people have to do it with me. I mean, it's like if I want to sell my house, for instance, which I'm trying to do right now... I want to get a certain price for it, say next week at a certain time. I want to set it up and run my whole universe that way...
B: One moment! Understand that I am not saying that that is not possible. But really, in the overall idea of experiencing that reality, as you stop to think about it, there is really no need for many of the specifics that you insist upon in order to still achieve the overall effect according to your own satisfaction. Understand that there may be many variables within that circumstance that will still lead to you feeling that you have created the situation in exactly the proper way for you. And as such simply 'tis not that you have to think about every specific idea or step or method within the overall idea of the situation. Many times even what you perceive to be an overall situation may in and of itself really be a method to an even greater idea that you are not allowing yourself simply to be.
Rather, then, understand that if you have as a single idea, as you say the idea of selling your house, and this is what excites you beyond any other idea that you could unfold within yourself at the time, then understand that if you simply become that idea, feel, be and act as if that idea has already taken place within your here and now present reality, you will attract exactly all those individuals and facets of those individuals within your reality that will be more than willing to share that reality with you, and allow you to experience that portion of your reality in that way for the best benefit of all concerned, and allow themselves to experience their reality in exactly the same way.
Now, understand that if the selling of your house, as you say is a step within the overall understanding of another even greater idea of which you are even more excited, then you do not have to be even concerned about the idea of needing to sell your house to achieve that idea. Realize that in the selling of your house (- -?) portion of the best possible way to achieve that even greater idea, then that is what will happen. But if it is not, if there is a better way in your terms to achieve the overall idea, then you will not necessarily need to sell your house. And if you simply focus upon the idea of only selling your house, in order to achieve the greater idea, you will be shutting the door on the better idea. Just as in the idea of selling your house, if that is the greatest idea, which attracts you at the time, then completely needing to orchestrate the exact method by which that takes place may be shutting the door on an even better method. You follow me?
Q: Yes. That doesn't answer my question about the fact that other people have to go along with it.
B: They do not have to go along with you. Understand that within the interaction of All That Is, all possibilities take place, and every individual contains all the facets necessary to interact within any reality of any one individual that can take place. Therefore understand that what you perceive as individuals who seem to be going along with your newly created reality are simply the facets of those individuals, which are already experiencing that reality with that facet of you that is creating that reality.
Tis not that they are going along with anything, except that they are also partaking of that reality, even as you allow your own consciousness to focus into that facet of yourself. They are already there, just as you are already there. And that is why it is only a matter of realigning your perspective and observing your reality through another facet of yourself in which you will find all the facets of all the other individuals already existing which need to accomplish that idea.
Realize that every idea, every situation, already contains all the ingredients necessary for the unfoldment of that idea, except when you step in and make the separation between yourself and that idea, and assume that you must struggle to create that idea, that you must build piece by piece exactly how that idea is to manifest. You are an automatic creator. You need not think about the path in order to achieve the effect. Cause and effect. You may simply create the effect, and nature, yourself as the automatic creator, will supply you with more than enough cause to support the effect. You will simply be in tune with All That Is, in terms of the facets of all the consciousness and all the individuals, which are already partaking of that idea into which you now find yourself tuning in.
Q: Mhmm.
B: You follow me?
Q: Yes.
B: Thank you.
I don't know, man. They seem like some fanfictions I would write back in the day. lol
the truth is stranger than fan fiction ?
And the fan fiction is out there. lol