In this panel moderated by Dr Karladine, Dr. Richard M. Fleming and Chinese viral researcher Dr. Li-Meng Yan both state and explain through the SARS-CoV-2 genetics and functions how the virus is a laboratory made by Chinese virologist, with the aim of creating an efficient bio-weapon .
Further, they tie, as you already know, **Fauci and also Bill Gates to the funding of the different research parts that finally lead to SARS-CoV-2 ** creation and the COVID-19 biologics jabs.
Dr Fleming also states that the virus AND the spike protein have prion like structural function , leading to spongiform encephalopathy (i.e. Mad Cow's disease and Lewy Body Dementia in all test animals.
Dr Lee Vliet recommends this guide for home treatment:
In this panel moderated by Dr Karladine, Dr. Richard M. Fleming and Chinese viral researcher Dr. Li-Meng Yan both state and explain through the SARS-CoV-2 genetics and functions how the virus is a laboratory made by Chinese virologist, with the aim of creating an efficient bio-weapon .
Further, they tie, as you already know, **Fauci and also Bill Gates to the funding of the different research parts that finally lead to SARS-CoV-2 ** creation and the COVID-19 biologics jabs.
Dr Fleming also states that the virus AND the spike protein have prion like structural function , leading to spongiform encephalopathy (i.e. Mad Cow's disease and Lewy Body Dementia in all test animals.
Dr Lee Vliet recommends this guide for home treatment:
Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment - Step-bytep Doctor's Plan by Jane M. Orient MD & Elizabeth lee Vliet (American Physicians, 2021)
Yup. NIH (Fauci) -> EcoHealth (Daszak) -> U of North Carolina (Baric) -> WIV/Wuhan (Zhengli).
And UK and France AND .....