Jews want open borders for the rest of the world but not for themselves. Last time I checked, Israel has a wall too. When we build a wall, the Jews call us racist. When Israel builds a wall, the Jews call us racist for pointing out that they have a wall too. Jews are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Karl Marx was a Jew. Marxism is based on Jewish ideology and was designed to subjagate non Jews. The Democrat Party is filled with Marxist Jews forcing Marxist policies on America. Democrat policies are Jewish policies. The Jews owe us reparations for creating Marxism.
Jews are constantly calling Christians, Buddists, Hindis, and Muslims antisemites when the truth is they are the most racist people on earth. Judaism is an institution of white supremacy. It is the least diverse, least inclusive religion on the planet as only white people of Jewish descent can join. People of Color are not allowed to join. If that's not racism, I don't know what is.
The Holocaust was blown way out of proportion by the liberal media just like the Jan 6th protest. The liberal media took a peaceful protest and try to make it look like a violent insurrection. The only ones being violent were Antifa and the Police. The same thing happened with the holocaust. 6 million Jews did NOT die during the Holocaust. The real death tally is several thousand and the majority of the deaths were not Jewish. Yet, the Jewish owned media spread lies and overexaggerated the Holocaust in order to portray themselves as oppressed victims.
The HARSH REALITY is that JEWS ARE NOT OPPRESSED AND HAVE NEVER BEEN OPPRESSED. JEWS ARE PRIVILEGED. More than 1/3 of all millionaires and billionaires are Jewish yet Jews make up less than 1% of the US population. Jews are also over represented in Congress as more than 1/3 of all US politicians ae Jewish. Additionally Jews have the highest household median income compared to all ethnic groups.
White privilege is really Jewish privilege. If you remove Jews from the "white" category in income statistics, blacks and latinos (who are not on welfare) have an EQUAL median income compared to non Jewish white families. White supremacy is really Jewish supremacy. The majority of Plantation and slave owners in the Pre-Civil War South were Jewish. The majority of southern farmers did not own a single slave as they could not afford any.
More facts for butthurt Zionist SJWs:
Jews want open borders for the rest of the world but not for themselves. Last time I checked, Israel has a wall too. When we build a wall, the Jews call us racist. When Israel builds a wall, the Jews call us racist for pointing out that they have a wall too. Jews are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Karl Marx was a Jew. Marxism is based on Jewish ideology and was designed to subjagate non Jews. The Democrat Party is filled with Marxist Jews forcing Marxist policies on America. Democrat policies are Jewish policies. The Jews owe us reparations for creating Marxism.
Jews are constantly calling Christians, Buddists, Hindis, and Muslims antisemites when the truth is they are the most racist people on earth. Judaism is an institution of white supremacy. It is the least diverse, least inclusive religion on the planet as only white people of Jewish descent can join. People of Color are not allowed to join. If that's not racism, I don't know what is.
The Holocaust was blown way out of proportion by the liberal media just like the Jan 6th protest. The liberal media took a peaceful protest and try to make it look like a violent insurrection. The only ones being violent were Antifa and the Police. The same thing happened with the holocaust. 6 million Jews did NOT die during the Holocaust. The real death tally is several thousand and the majority of the deaths were not Jewish. Yet, the Jewish owned media spread lies and overexaggerated the Holocaust in order to portray themselves as oppressed victims.
The HARSH REALITY is that JEWS ARE NOT OPPRESSED AND HAVE NEVER BEEN OPPRESSED. JEWS ARE PRIVILEGED. More than 1/3 of all millionaires and billionaires are Jewish yet Jews make up less than 1% of the US population. Jews are also over represented in Congress as more than 1/3 of all US politicians ae Jewish. Additionally Jews have the highest household median income compared to all ethnic groups.
White privilege is really Jewish privilege. If you remove Jews from the "white" category in income statistics, blacks and latinos (who are not on welfare) have an EQUAL median income compared to non Jewish white families. White supremacy is really Jewish supremacy. The majority of Plantation and slave owners in the Pre-Civil War South were Jewish. The majority of southern farmers did not own a single slave as they could not afford any.
Remember the USS Liberty. Good American soldiers died as Israel tried to false flag us into a war.
Mabey they shouldn't have been spying and transmitting information. That ship should have been sunk twice.
"spying" for an ally. Hey, tell britain to bomb america because five eyes.
Palestinians are Arabs, which are Semetic. Turks are from a completely different lineage, with origins in central Asia.
So Israel is antisemitic.
If anyone knows who posted this. There's a prize. You can stay anonymouse
I know for a fact that the man who posted that is named Muhammad Quasa Pedophile
You're wrong, jews aren't front the semitic region. They're eastern european
Israel or Mossad?
There's a difference.
Like Americans and the Deep State.
Does our Deep State include Mossad?
And the prize is a Vaccine Shot
Well,, this comment is neither here or there but the onion has been trending communist for a while now
And today I see some loose on conspiracy,win running downvote brigades. Just as they did on Digg then Reddit. Like some fungus infection.
T_D never hated Jews on the other hand?
that should be the only thing that matters
but we got Storm Front and 4chan faggots here who hate "da jooz"