Yes, he is part of the Ghislaine Maxwell gang from Reddit, other notable members include 8chan founder Fredrick Brennan, 420chan founder Aubrey Cottle and & uboachan founder Michael Rielly. Its good odds those are shlomos using noms de guerre. There is ridiculously high frequency of the "boy nerd tech genius starts website and suddenly becomes wealthy and powerful overnight" stories amongst the deepstate controlled social media world. Google, Facebook & Duckduckgo all have the same backstory. Duckduckgo has a former In-Q-Tel/CIA executive on it's board of directors, interesting coincidence that the former In-Q-Tel/CIA exec is also the founder of Duckduckgo's uncle and that In-Q-Tel/CIA provided DDG's startup funding, probably just a coincidence that they are jews too.
Yes, he is part of the Ghislaine Maxwell gang from Reddit, other notable members include 8chan founder Fredrick Brennan, 420chan founder Aubrey Cottle and & uboachan founder Michael Rielly. Its good odds those are shlomos using noms de guerre. There is ridiculously high frequency of the "boy nerd tech genius starts website and suddenly becomes wealthy and powerful overnight" stories amongst the deepstate controlled social media world. Google, Facebook & Duckduckgo all have the same backstory. Duckduckgo has a former In-Q-Tel/CIA executive on it's board of directors, interesting coincidence that the former In-Q-Tel/CIA exec is also the founder of Duckduckgo's uncle and that In-Q-Tel/CIA provided DDG's startup funding, probably just a coincidence that they are jews too.