posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +42 / -1

It is said that during a convention war, it's better to injure an enemy, than to kill an enemy,

because if you injure an enemy, a fellow enemy soldier will have to stop, and attend to the injured,

whereas if you kill the enemy, the fellow soldier will not have to attend to the dead,

and will be more motivated to come and retaliate against you...

This is also how vaccines work as weapons of war.

Vaccines don't always outright kill people, but they injure enough people, so that the people around them have to stop, and attend to the injured.

If vaccine injuries were as "rare" as claimed, this might not be a problem.

But 1/68 kids is on the autism spectrum right now, and that number is growing.

There is an autistic kid in every class room today.

There is 1 "para-educator" assigned to each class with an autistic student.

This basically doubles the cost of hiring one teacher per classroom. ( 1 teacher + 1 para = 2 paychecks)

And 70% these autistic students will require a lifetime of welfare, because they will never be able to be self-sufficient adults.

So now, instead of investing resources in a student that will one day become a productive member of society,

You can hear some of these peoples stories at /r/HearThisWell

We are forced to burn resources on students who will never become productive, tax-paying members of society.

Im not talking about everyone with autism.

Im talking about the worst end of "the spectrum".

This plays in perfectly with the Cloward-Piven strategy for destroying governments, by burdening them with excessive and unsustainable welfare claims.


Half of the people are chronically ill today,

and many of those chronic illnesses are "idiopathic", meaning "they don't really know what causes it"

But they know what causes these chronic illnesses...

Its the vaccines.

And these chronic illnesses are not merely an unintended side-effect, or an unexpected adverse reaction.

No, these chronic illnesses are the primary purpose of vaccination,

And preventing vaccine preventable diseases is merely the cover story.

How else can you explain the long history of vaccine craziness,

Such as causing millions of cases of cancer, because of the SV40 virus in vaccines,

And then laughing about it when they 'found out' what they had done.

How else do you explain the official response to the CDC whistleblower allegations?

How else do you explain 1/68 kids being autistic?

How else do you explain half of the people having chronic illnesses?

How else to you explain the silent crises of millions of "care givers" who have to attend to those who are vaccine injured?

Vaccines are not that much different of a weapon of war, than the small-pox infested blankets that were given to Native Americans.

Only the cover-story has changed.

It used to be "to protect you from the cold"

now its "to protect you from a cold"